Every Little Thing Is Magic

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(For the above art, the characters belong to me and the original template belongs to its owner.)

((Dedicated to Monty Oum. He was a brilliant creator and a wonderful person. I hope one day I can touch people's lives the way he did. His life was far too short and he will be dearly missed. RIP Monty Oum 1981-2015))


Daemon groaned and opened his eyes. I passed out? He blinked his eyes a few times to clear them, and froze.


He was in an unfamiliar room. Plain white walls and minimalist furniture made this room extremely nondescript. He was laying on a surprisingly comfortable bed. Wary, he tried to move his arms and legs and found they weren't bound. He sat up and sucked air through his teeth, his shoulder still hurt a fair amount. He was rubbing his shoulder when the door opened. Reflexively, Daemon put his back against the wall, ready to fight.

"Oh,you're awake!" A platinum blonde head had poked through the doorway and a beautiful woman was smiling at him. She had porcelain skin and large, expressive blue eyes.

She looks like an angel.

"You look shocked. I guess that makes sense, you were unconscious when we found you. Oh! I'm Jane, by the way." Jane beamed at him and came to sit on the edge of the bed, "what's your name?"

Daemon curled more into himself, reflexively defensive, "D-daemon."

Jane's smile turned sad, "you don't have to worry, I'm not going to hurt you. How is your shoulder?"

Daemon shifted a little uncomfortably where he sat, "still hurts, but it's functional."

She nodded, "it was dislocated, so we had to pop it back in. You should take it easy for a few days."

"Jane, who are you talking to? Is he awake?" Another head poked through the doorway, this time with short, dark hair. The man seemed to be of Southeast Asian descent but he had perfect English. They were a very attractive couple. "Aha, he is!" The man walked over and extended a hand in greeting, "hey, I'm Tommy. Sorry for kidnapping you but when I saw the relic you held I thought it best not to take you to the hospital."

Daemon froze as his hand gripped Tommy's, "relic? How do you know about that?"

"Oh, I know about a lot of supernatural things." Tommy rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, "I find it all very fascinating."

Jane smiled, "I call him the Loremaster," Tommy's face flushed,"and you can see the effect that has," she giggled.

"J-Jane..."Tommy looked away, embarrassed.

Daemon smiled at their genuineness, "well, if you know enough it could be a fitting title. What do you know about the Supernatural Plane?"

Seeing him relax, Jane scurried out of the room for a moment, coming back in with a tray of sandwiches, "I thought you might be hungry,"she said as she set the tray down between them on the bed.

"Starving,actually," Daemon said, surprised he hadn't noticed until now.

Jane beamed as Tommy took a seat on the bed, creating a triangle between them as they all took a sandwich. "What do you want to know?"

"What exactly is it? Why does it seem like no one else notices it or stumbles into it like I do?"

"Are you part supernatural being?" Daemon nodded, and Tommy smiled,"I knew it. Yeah, that'd be why. Normal humans like Jane and I aren't even supposed to know it exists, let alone how to enter it."

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