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(For the above art, the characters belong to me and the original template belongs to its owner.)

Agatha was investigating a spike in supernatural aura in an area when she heard footsteps behind her and turned. She had expected a supernatural being, but found a human. The cute human girl didn't notice her at first, then smiled shyly at her.

"Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. I'm Maggie."

Awfully relaxed for a human in an area that should cause fear, "Agatha," she answered curtly, "what are you doing here?"

"I felt something here," Maggie answered, still looking around, "something familiar."

"Are you looking for trouble?"

Maggie made a face, "you sound like him."

"Who- you know what? It doesn't matter," Agatha grabbed Maggie's hand, "we're leaving before things get any worse around here," she said, marching away from the concentration of supernatural aura.

I have to get Maggie out before the supernatural presence here becomes any more concentrated or we will-

Agatha stumbled, looked around, and held back a curse. 

-get dragged in.

"Agatha," Maggie's voice was soft, panicked, "are we..."

The pavement had been replaced with food, mounds of it, in various states of freshness and decay, and the sky held the red tone of all of the Demonic lands of the Supernatural Plane.

"In the supernatural plane? Yes. You've been here before? With the one I sound like when I lecture you?"

Maggie gave her a sheepish smile and nodded.

Agatha sighed, "right, we'll just cleanse the area then and get out. Nothing to it," Agatha sounded more confident than she felt as she guided Maggie to the relic situated in this area. Both women tried not to gag at the smell of decaying food and the sound of it squelching with every step they took. Thankfully they both had decent footwear.

The resistance in the area was surprisingly thin given the strength of the presence in the human world. Perhaps they hadn't noticed the pair yet? Agatha hoped that was the case. She sighed in relief as they reached the relic. It was a small set of golden scales, the base was large enough to fill her palm. Agatha picked up the relic and gasped as it immediately took her sight. 



"I do not mean to alarm you, but... I cannot see." 

"You what? In here? How am I not supposed to panic?"

Agatha began to panic herself until she felt a familiar presence. It may have been dark and demonic, but it also soothed her. There was only one demonic entity that would evoke such a response from her.

"Ah, there is someone nearby who can help."

"Ooooh," the other girl sounded excited now instead of afraid, "is it another half angel?"

"Actually, the opposite."

A long pause, then softly, "and you trust them?"

"With my life."

Agatha guided Maggie to meet up with Daemon by following the feeling of his presence. it was slow going as Agatha couldn't see and Maggie was inexperienced. The struggle was less than it would have been alone, but it was tiring nonetheless.

When she felt like they were close enough, she called, "Daemon!"

Maggie gasped softly.

"Well, hello there Angel Girl," Daemon's tone was as confident and flirtatious as always.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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