4: awkward

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Riding my Vespa home, I ignored the quizzical, slightly judgmental looks people gave me. My smile (which was still stuck on my face) faltered slightly as the thought of what my parents would think of the little... incident, especially as it was my first day at school. I cut off the thought before it could grow into something more worrying and stressful.

I arrived outside a typical American house which I could now call my home if I wanted—but like the stubborn person I can be, I refuse to call this dump my home. As they say 'home is where the heart is' and my heart is back in Sydney. 

I pulled my Vespa up onto the drive behind my parents' car and cut the engine. I skipped up the two duck egg blue steps to the house, freeing my head from my white helmet.

"I'm home!" I hollered into the house as I heard my own echo. I saw a few boxes lie scattered on the floor. 

"Honey, Lola's home!" I heard my mum squeal from upstairs before two pairs of feet sounded through the house. 

I chuckled to myself and let the door swing shut behind me.

My parents engulfed me in a hug for a minute or two before holding me at arm's length. 

"How was your—" my dad's words cut off mid-sentence and a shocked look washed over their faces. 

They stood there like fishes, opening and closing their mouths. "Oh, honey, what happened to you?" My mum broke the silence. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? They weren't mean to you, were they? The kids at school?" My mum turned me around, inspecting me.

"Mum, chill, I'm fine. This girl and I at school had... different artistic styles. That's all." I smiled at her, remembering all the paint splattered on me like a two-year-old's painting. 

My dad laughed at that. "So, how's your first day at school kiddo?"

"It was mostly what I'd expected it to be," I said simply. 

"Well did you make any new friends?" My mum pushed. 

"Yes actually, this girl called Bree was really nice to me. I'm going to get cleaned up now, where's the box with all of the toiletries?"


I had arrived at school earlier so that 1) I could take my pastel pink electric guitar into the music room and 2) so that I could refresh my memory of the school's layout.  

"Hey, gurl!" someone shouted before crashing into me. I knew who it was before I'd even seen Bree's glowing face. 

"Hiiii!" I squealed in reply. Today was going to be so much better now I've got someone by my side. 

"Ready to tackle another day of hell- oops I mean school."  My friend held an arm out for me. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." I looped my arm around hers and we set off down the corridor laughing. 

Despite not having any classes with Bree, the morning flew by. First I had a history which could only be described as entertaining. Sir had told us stories about some English King but he didn't just tell us the story, he acted it out, his booming voice filling the classroom as well as our laughter.

After that, I had a slightly less amusing french lesson but I did find out that I made a massive mistake in taking french. The lesson I'd just had was maths and it was painful. I used to like maths before and now... the teacher makes the Devil look nice.

At the break, I'd somehow managed to find Bree, I can still remember how relief had flooded through me as I'd seen her around, pale face in the crowd. We exchanged numbers as we ate our fruit and chatted about our previous lessons. 

"Lo, I'm really sorry but I've got detention at lunch," Bree informed me, using the new nickname she'd given me. 

"Oh it's fine, don't worry. I've already booked to use one of the music rooms today, I'll be fine on my own." 

"Cool! What instrument do you play?" Her eyes were wide and full of wonder. 

"The guitar but I also like to sing as well." 

"Bro that's awesome 'cause like, I play the drums! We should totally play together." 

"Really? We'll do it as soon as you don't have detention so don't go chucking pencils at people." 

We both burst out laughing. Thank god there's someone here like me. 

Throughout the morning, I caught glimpses of Georgina and her minions shooting me death glares. I simply replied with a small wave and a sweet smile, aggravating them even more. 

Now it was lunchtime and I couldn't be happier. I didn't bother going to the canteen and went straight to the music room. I started off warming up my fingers with a few riffs I made up whilst doing some voice exercises. After ten minutes of playing around with the guitar, I plugged it into my amp and started to play my favorite song. 

"You'll say we've got nothing in common

No common ground to start from

And we're falling apart

You say the world has come between us

Our lives have come between us

Still, I know you just don't care," I sang, my fingers easily flying over the strings of the guitar. 

And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"

She said, "I think I remember the film

And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"

And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got" The music filled the room pleasantly. I didn't bother trying to hide my smile as I let myself dance- as much as one can dance whilst playing the guitar and singing. 

"I see you, the only one who knew me

But now your eyes see through me

I guess I was wrong

So what now? It's plain to see we're over

And I hate when things are over

When so much is left undone," I let myself get lost in the song. 

And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"

She said, "I think I remember the film

And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"

And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've-"

I hadn't noticed what time it was until the bell rang for the start of the next period.

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