21: double-booked

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"You mean you didn't manage to get a detention for once?" I squeal because Bree had managed to go through a full morning without getting into trouble! I wasn't too fussed over her school record but I was bothered that we could spend lunchtimes in the music rooms.

"Yup." She replied proudly.

We'd just had maths and now it's lunchtime. This morning, we'd managed to book a bigger music room!

I cheered and rushed down the corridor with Bree in tow and yelled, "Thank you God! Thank you so much!"

"Dude chill," Bree chuckled.

I gasped, "How dare you tell me to chill! I'll have you know, I managed to book us the biggest music room!"

I watched my best friend's face light up like a firework, "Really? You legend!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes I know, now let's get moving."

We raced down the corridor, nudging people out of our way. We were so excited that we didn't even hear the loud rock music coming from behind the door before we burst into the room.

I gasped.

Bree ran into my back. Her faced matched my shocked one.

Four people were already in the room! Two of them stood with electric guitars strapped over their shoulders. The third one sat at the back of the room behind the large drum set and the fourth stood the closest to us behind a microphone stand. All four of them were staring at us.

"What do you think are you doing in here?" The one at the drums growled.

My attention snapped to him. I gasped again. I recognised that stone-cold face, that inky black hair.

It was Dylan?

"Um..." I faded off and quickly checked the music room number.

Huh? It's number 1, the one I specifically remember booking. Maybe I dreamt that...

"I could ask you the same thing." Bree said lowly, "You see, we booked this room for this lunch time."

Dylan laughed sarcastically, "I doubt that. You see, we book this room everyday. It's practically our."

"Uh guys, maybe we should just go speak with the music teacher. I'm sure there was just a mistake." I but in quickly before things get too heated.

"Good idea." The girl on the bass guitar muttered.

Slowly, the four of them but down their instruments and followed us to the music teachers classroom.

"Hi Miss," Bree began.

"These two think they can steal our music room!" Dylan snapped.

"No!" Bree snapped back and whirled around to him, "They stole ours!"

"Children," The music teacher said calmly, "I must have double-booked the room and for that I am sorry but you'll just have to make do. Either somebody goes without today and has it tomorrow or you share for today."

"We're using it today!" we all shout together.

Miss sighed, "please, decide amongst yourselves like the mature young adults you are."

But you literally just called us children!

A couple of the others grumbled as we made our way out into the corridor.

"Please," I started, "We haven't been able to practice for ages!"

"Oh boohoo. That's your problem, not ours." The one who'd been standing in front of the microphone threw us a death glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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