15: invitation

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Update: I made it to school in one piece and before the bell went - thank god. There was still the awkwardness and tension left over in the air but it was easier to ignore. The populars threw us dirty looks but I laughed in their faces, not even trying to hide my smugness that Jordan had seen what a bunch of idiots they are and chose to hang with me and Bree instead.

"So," Kyle began at lunchtime as we all squished around a table in the courner, this school really needs to invest in an extension so we're not all practically sat on top of each other. I mean, how are we supposed to eat when I can hear the guy behind me chewing? It's gross, I'll tell you that.


"Hum?" I looked at Kyle, "I have absolutely no clue what you just said."

He rolled his eyes before saying, "My social status hasn't been dinted too much thanks to my good looks and talent -"

"Modest as always." Bree mutters, making me laugh and him scowl.

"- Yes, that too and as I was saying before I was so rudely interupted, I've been invited to a party on Friday night. Do you two want to tag along?"

"Tag along?!" I shriek, slamming my hands on the table, "I think you mean, you can tag along with me."

"Whatever you say babe."

Okay, I am just going to ignore the fact that he said that and that my heart fluttered. I think I must be ill anyways, I was feeling warm ever since the period before which was english. Yeah, being ill would explain everything. Maybe I should go to the nurse, I might be able to go home!

That wretched bell blares through the loud hall, followed by groans and scrapes of chairs. We hurriedly put away our empty food boxes and say goodbye to Kyle. Bree and I have next period together so I take this time to tell her that I think I'm ill.

"Wow, you have all the symptoms." She muses, my stomach dropped. What if these were the first signs of a serious illness? "I am diagnosing you with the illness we call, 'The Crush'!"

"Bree I'm serious!" I shout over the noise of the corridor and hit her arm gently.

"As am I. You, my friend, have fallen hard for the King of the populars. I would help you get a remedy but... he actually doesn't seem that bad. Plus, we get to go to a party!" She squeals the last bit and starts jumping up and down.

"My first American high school party!" I squealing back, earning weird looks from some of the other kids so I grin at them quickly.

"Same!" Wow we must look like mad women with these massive grins on our faces.

"Wait really? I thought you would have been to at least one?" I question as we take our seats in the middle of the classroom.

"Sadly yes. Until you, I was basically a ghost so thank you!" She grins at me.


"They're not bad, are they?" Bree asked from behind me. I was stood at the door of one of the music rooms listening to some dudes. Again, it wasn't quite my taste my I found myself drawn to the music for reasons unknown.

"Yeah. Come on." I agreed and pulled her away to our music room. "Do you know who Julia Jacklin is?"

"Nope." I chuckle as she takes a seat at her drums and pick up my own guitar.

"She's an Australian singer, one of my favourites. Mind if I play one of her songs?"

"Go ahead."

"Driving home, the road makes me feel smaller
My fear forces my hand into the shoulder
And I feel you, darling, on my own," I sing as I softly strum the guitar.

"Every mile brings you a little closer
Yeah I'm driving into the hay plain
I won't survive the night if you won't stay in your lane
Yeah I'm heading away from that wide sunset
Wondering if my new man
Misses me yet"

"Do you think you could play at the party?" A voice asked from behind, startling me.

Kyle was stood there like he hadn't just given me a heart attack, smiling.

Hold up - he wants me to to play at the party!? Seems an awful lot like I'm setting myself up for embarrassment and failure if I'm being honest. But then again, what if everyone like my music and they stopped picking on me?

I glance a Bree for help to see her nodding eagerly.

"Um sure, if Bree can play with me."

"Awesome! I'll tell the host now." he told us before leaving.


It's Saturday morning, the day of my first school party in America! I'm kinda nervous about being around so many people who don't exactally like me but I'm mostly excited. It's going to be so fun with Bree and Kyle by my side. Ah Kyle.

Bree: Heyy, do u want to go shopping today??

Me: Ooo yesss

Bree: Great! u could come back to mine for a sleepover too after

Me: Sounds good! I'll be over in an hour XD

Bree: Awesome

Grinning, I bounced up from my matress bed on the floor and ran over to the shower to start getting ready. Once I was clean, I put on a long yellow skirt and a white top that I tucked in loosely then I quickly put on a bit of make-up and a few braclets and lots of rings - as usual. I didn't bother do much with my hair, not wanting to tackle the thick wavy mess this early.

With my over-night bag packed and my normal handbag hanging from my shoulder with my purse and phone in, I slid down the banester on the stairs and ran into the kitchen where my mum and dad were eating breakfast.

"Goood mornin'!" I sang and took a couple of pancakes from the middle of the table.

"Morning kiddo. Got any plans for today?" My dad asked as he slipped his black tea. Gross.

"Yup, I'm going shopping with Bree and then we're having a sleepover at hers. That cool?"

"Of course. Have fun!" I knew that would be the answer, my parents had practically begged me to make some friends and go out and socialize. At the time, the idea had seemed preposterous then a couple of months later here we are!

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