17: party

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Bree and I grip onto each other for dear life as we walk up the drive to out first American school party!

"You ready?" She squeals. I nod and together, we push open the grand, white door.

From what I could see, the house looked similar to Kyles but with a different interior design. That being said, I couldn't actually see much apart from flashing Disco light and drunk teenagers dancing! Another thing I've noticed, it's quite different from the parties I've been to.

There, we had small parties in gardens with barbeques and way better music, all in all, everyone was a lot friendlier than here. Here, it's like everyone ignored each other apart from the people in their friendship group. We wander around the mansion, feeling slightly lost in the sea of people.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen and get a drink!" Bree shouts over the music then grabs my hand and yanks me after her through the crowd to the slightly more open kitchen.

"Thank God I can breathe again!" I sigh and grab a cab of coca cola.

"Drama queen." She rolls her eyes then grabs herself a drink.

We stay in the kitchen for a while, watching people party. The living room had been transformed into a dance floor where a large clump of people where jumping around and dancing in the middle.

At the front of room, someone had set up a table with lots of buttons and turntable on it. The dude that stood behind had big headphones on and was in control of the loud, electronic dance music. Speakers were stationed all over the house pumping out the music so loud you could feel the beat in your chest.

"Hey you made it!" A deep voice shouted to my left.

Bree and I looked over to see Kyle making his way through the crowd towards us. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tightly into his chest.

I gasped. Mr Popular was hugging me! I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist. When I looked up at him, he mirrored my wide smile. His eyes sparkles. And he didn't look even a bit drunk

"We wouldn't have missed it." I replied.

"Hi Bree." Kyle said, not looking away from me.

I glansed over my shoulder to see Bree roll her eyes and smile.

"I don't fancy third wheeling so imma go find some people to dance with." She told us. I didn't fail not notice that she grabbed a couple of shots of tequila first.

I sware to god if I have to baby her tomorrow when she has a killer hangover.

"Wanna go dance?"


Kyle leads us to the dance floor just as a slower song starts playing. I think he timed it like that. I wrap my hands around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and holds me close.

We sway to the beat of the music, staring into each others eyes. Right now, it doesn't feel like we are in the middle of a huge crowed. It feels like it's just me and him.

I see him glance down at my lips then back up at my eyes. Subconsciously, my tounge darts out to lick my lips. My heart hammers in my chest as he leans down.

Our lips meet and fireworks explode between us.

I pulled back after a minute, needing air. I didn't want to but you know, I'd die if I didn't.

"Wow." I breathe.

That first kiss was way better than I'd ever imagined it could be.

We stand their smiling at each other for I don't know how long. For once, everything felt perfect again.

"Now we have a special performance from Lola and Bree!" The Dj announced.

I gasped and stared wide-eyed at Kyle. I'd completely forgotten about that. I don't want to do it anymore. I want to stay here with Kyle away from the judging eyes.

"Hey," He says softly, "You'll be fine, you'll have Bree up there with you. Come on, do it for me."

"Okay." I breathe and hug him before making my way to the stage that had been set up.

I take hold of the microphone as Bree sits at the drums. With my guitar strap sitting over my shoulder, I start to sing.

"People everywhere
A sense of expectation hanging in the air
Giving out a spark
Across the room your eyes are glowing in the dark
And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what i mean
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now is all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)"

I lose myself in the song and stop concentration on the large audience. I'd never played in front of so many people but I didn't care any more.

When the song finished, I was panting but grinning. It felt epic to finally be able to play in front of other people.

However, when I looked out at the audience, nobody was cheering. My smile dropped off. All of a sudden, the crowd turned on us.


"Get off the stage, losers!"

The crowd looked furious as they shouted insults at us. I eyes stung with tears. I scanned the crowd for Kyle, surely he would be able to comfort me.

When I saw him, it felt like I'd been stabbed in the chest. Jordan stood in the middle of the crowd, smirking. He had one of his arms around a very smug looking Georgina and was looking straight at me. He broke eye contact and snaked his other arm around her tiny waist before slapping his lips onto hers.

I looked away, my eyes burning.

He'd planned this. He knew this would happen. All this time... He'd played me. And I'd let him. I can't believe I'd been so stupid and let myself think that Mr Popular could ever fall for someone like me.

Tears rolled down my face. That was the last straw. I threw my guitar off my shoulder, not caring if it broke. Sobbing, I struggled through the crowd.

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