14: kids

68 11 13

As soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, I raced for the door. Today had been a weird day, Katie hadn't shown up to school and all of her minions looked like they were plotting to kill me and Kyle! It was kinda intimidating and to say I was confused when he came to sit with me and Bree and lunch was an understatement. He'd come over, plonked his stuff down next to me and started eating whilst everyone stared at him - including me and Bree - offering no explaination.

Anyway, it's Monday and I have my second day as a waitress today so I'm heading to the cafe now. When I get there, I put my hair up in a high ponytail and tie a boho scarf around my head to keep any loose hairs out of my face. The cafe was busier than last time but I still had time to sit and doodle as I waited for someone to come in and order something.

At the sound of the bell, I shoved my notebook and smiled brightly at our newest customer. When I was Kyle swaggering with two little humans in tow I'm not sure how I felt. Confusion at to why he had kids with him, happiness that I'd get to see him again and a hint of worry as I remembered what had happened last time he came. Shaking off the thought, I skipped over to the table they were seated at.

"Hello there, what can I get for you today?" I asked poitley, smiling.

"Tiffany!" Kyle greeted me, smiling as well, "These are my niece and nephew, Holly and Sam."

"Hi, sweetie aren't you two the cutest!" I coo making the little girl, Holly, blush and the little boy, Sam, scowl.

"I'm not cute." He scowls adorably.

"Of course," I laugh, "How old are you two?"

"Seven." Holly whispers.

And Sam shouts, "Ten!"

"Woah keep your voice down, little man!" Kyle scolds.

"Ten? I thought you were four." I exclaim because there was no way this little boy was ten but then again, there's no way he's four either.

"I'm ten."

"Sure. Now, what can I get you?"

"HOT CHOCOLATE WITH MARSHMALLOWS AND SPRINKLES!" The little boy roars earning a glare from his uncle.



"Of course. And what would you like?" I address Holly, writing down Sams demand.

"Please can I have the same please."

Aw she's so cute and polite! "Of course."

I look at Kyle, "What's your favourite?" He asks.

My favourite? Why would he want to know my favourite, he's the one drinking it?

"Erm, the chai latte is really good."

"Whats that?" He asks blankly.

"It's a flavoured tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs." I told him but with the blank expression still on his face, I say it simpiler, "If you like cinanom you should like it."

"I'll have one of them, please." I roll my eyes, knowing full well that he had no clue what he was ordering.

"Can I get you anything else? We have pies, cakes-"

"CAKE!" Sam shouts just as I thought he'd piped down. "UNCLE  JORDY WE HAVE TO GET CAKE!!!!"

Aw Uncle Jordy! I will use that as blackmail later mwhahaha.

"Please uncle Jordy!" Holly begs, looking at him with her big eyes that were the same colour as his.

Kyle glared at me, "Now look what you've done!"

Oops. I shrug, "I've got to premote the cafe."

"Well you can take them to choose." He smirks and leans back in his chair.

"Okay come on kiddys! Let's go choose some cake!" I sing and Holly and Sam bounce off their chairs and follow me to the counter where the array of cakes sit looking mouthwatering. I had no clue how anyone ever chose one type of cake, they all looked delicious!

"I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE!" Sam told me, bouncing up and down.

"Here," I scooped him up and sat him on my hip as he gazed around with his mouth hanging open.


""Sssssh! We don't want to disturb the other people do we?" Oh god, of he carried on like this I'd lose my job!

"Can we have chocolate cake please?" Both of them whispered and I nodded before putting Sam down. Damn he was heavy! Or maybe I need to go to the gym...

After making sure Kyle's niece and nephew got back to him safely, I cut up the cake, delivered it to their table and headed back to make the drinks. The hot chocolate machine was easy to use as I'd used it before and I made sure to put extra toppings on for them but the chai latte machine was a whole other matter. Unlike the hot chocolate maker, I'd not used this one before and it had way more buttons. The waiter - I can't remember his name, Ted it might have been - had shown me how to use it but just like his name, I couldn't remember. I placed a mug on it, tapped a few buttons but nothing happened so I pressed some other buttons. Still nothing.

"Maybe it's fallen asleep... DUDE NO SLEEPING ON THE JOB!" I shouted and hit it on the side - this always worked with the coffee machine we had at home in Australia. Unfortunately this machine did not like being shouted at and hit as it sprayed me with chai latte mix. I screeched as my face dripped with the brown liquid.

"Lola, what are you doing?" That guy Ted asked me, tutting.

"The machine doesn't like me." I mumbled and grabbed the towel. My face would be fine but my top was soaked!

"I'll do it." He grumbled and pushed me aside.

After making myself look as presentable as possible, I picked up the hot chocolates and walked over to Kyle. Not meeting their eyes, I set the hot chocolates down to which the kids pounced on.

"Careful! They're still quite hot." I tried to warm but it was too late for Sam.

"AAAA MA TONGUE!" He shouted with his tongue hanging out.

"She tried to warn you, little man." Kyle said softly, ruffling his Golden hair before smirking at me, "Have a nice fight with that poor machine there."

I scowled and turned on my heels to get his drink. Returning with it, I put it down in front of a smug looking Kyle, "Bottoms up. I went through I lot to get you that."

He laughed before taking a small sip as I watched intently. If he doesn't like it, I sware to god...

"Wow," he looked at me with sparkling eyes, "This is the most amazing drink I've ever had! Thanks."

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