19: sad

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After a while of listening to hard rock music, Bree stumbled into the room completely and utterly drunk. I stood up, said goodbye to Dylan and helped Bree to the car.

I drove her home, helped her up to her room quietly before making my own way home. By the time I'd washed my face, taken off my jewelry and changed into some pjs, I'd gotten over the fact that Jordan is a heartless, shallow, cruel Popular.

At last, I collapsed into bed and cried. I know I sound weak and petty but it just really hurt that Jordan took advantage of me. I was already having a hard time after leaving behind all of my friends for a place where I don't fit in. He fooled me and made me feel loved but... I guess it was all some cruel joke.

I cried myself to sleep that night, dreading when I'd have to face the music. Face the bullies at school again but without Jordans help. Face people's snickers as they remembered my performance at the party.

I wish I'd never gone to that stupid party! I wished I'd never trusted Jordan! I wish I'd never left Australia!


My alarm clock woke me up at the usual time. I was so close to shutting the alarm clock off, going back to sleep and faking a sick day. So close, but... I couldn't let some stupid boy get to me more than I already had.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom for a cold shower. It woke me up but didn't make me feel much better.

I wore the happiest clothes I could find;  a bright floral dress with flared sleeves, brown leather boots and jacket and a flower crown headband.

Listening to Jessie's Girl, I danced around my room and backed my bag.

"Hey girl!" Bree sang when she'd burst into the kitchen, "How are you?"

I smiled at her and swallowed my mouthful of cereal.

"I'm great! How're you feeling?"

Bree had gotten pretty drunk last night, I'd no clue how she'd survive the day.

"Okay," She sighed and slid into the seat next to me, "What happened last night."

It was my turn to sigh. The sound of my metal spoon hitting the clay bowl echoed around the minimal room.

"The whole thing with Jordan was all a joke."

"Aw Lola..."

I didn't want to turn to see Bree's sympathetic gaze. It was my fault, after all. I should have seen it coming. After all, how could Mr Popular possibly fall for the hippie?

Bree stood up and took my hand.

"Come on! You can't sit here all day feeling sorry for yourself, we've gotta show that worthless pile of trash that you don't care about him."

"But that's the problem," I whimpered, "I did care about him. He was so nice to me... Ugh it was really nice to have him care about me..."

Bree sat back down and pulled me into a warm hug.

"I know, he really put on the mask of sweetness well."

I nodded solemnly and pulled away.

"But... You're right. I can't get myself hung up on some stupid dude."

"Yas that's it! Now lets go and show that boy whose boss!"

My best friend linked her arm through mine and skipped down to the car. I chuckled at her giddiness and started skipping as well.

What would I do without Bree?


Of course, Bree had earned herself another breaktime detention. As heartless and selfish it was, I was glad. I needed some time to myself to think, to sing.

I made my way to the music room and set up my guitar.

'I wanna watch you, I wanna stay like this
I wanna feel it all every time that we kiss
I want your mother to stay friends with mine
I want this feeling to pass in time
But you know my body now and I know yours
We put so many things between these walls
And every gift you buy me, I know what's inside
What do I do now?
There's nothing left to find
Don't know how to keep loving you
Now that I know you so well
Don't know how to keep loving you
Now that I know you so well
Don't know how to keep loving you
Now that I know you so well
Don't know how to keep loving you
What if I cleaned up?
What if I worked on my skin?
I could scrub until I am red, hot, weak and thin
Too tired to run away
What do I do now?
There's nothing left to say '

I knew I was being dramatic but... It was a guilty pleasure of mine to dramatise things like in movies.

The bell rung and I quickly packed up my stuff, composed myself and left for class.


"Nice singing, loser." One of the populars snicked and bashed their shoulder into mine.

My books flew out of my arms and flew across the floor. I gasped as I fell with them. Hurridly, I scrambled across the floor to gather my things again.

Nobody saw me on the floor which resulted in my hands getting trodden on multiple times. By the time I'd retrieved my blue notebook from being kicked across the floor, my hands were numb.

The hallways cleared but I didn't want to go to class. I crawled over to a locker and chucked my things back on the floor.

My hands trembled slightly as I inspected the red skin. My eyes stung with tears that I couldn't hold back. I sob tore from my throat. I tried to push the tears away with the heels of my hands.

It didn't work.

Hugging my knees to my chest, I sat on the school floor against a locker and cried. I cried about the pain I felt, the homesickness. I cried about how I wished I was back at home with all of my friends. About how I've failed to make more than one friend. About how I let myself fall for such a cruel person. And I cried about the physical pain in my hands.

"What is it with you and stealing my moping spots?"

I looked up through teary eyes to see Dylan scowl down at me.

"Seriously? You sit by this exact locker every time you feel sorry for yourself?" I snapped.

Why can't he just leave me alone to feel sorry for myself?

"Actually, not that locker but the one two down, number 728."

I furrowed my brows, "What?"

He sighed and slid down said locker to the floor, "728 is my lucky number. Whenever I have a bad day, I sit down at it to try and give myself some good luck."

I stared blankly for a second.

"Well that has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

He snorted humourlessly, "Gee thanks."

We fell into a comfortable silence. I wiped away my tears and lent my head on the locker.

I sighed.

"So why've you come to mope?"

Dylan just shook his head, "I don't wanna talk about it."

I nodded.

For some reason, it felt oddly... Calming, sitting hear in peace and quiet with someone whose also going though something. Obviously something more important and nowhere near as petty as my situation but... I don't know. I guess I just didn't feel as alone.



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