3: detention

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"Well, two can play at that game," I smirked at Mrs. Popular. 

Colors had flown through the air like a furious whirlwind of art. Some students gasped and shielded their beautiful works whilst others formed a ring around the fisty, fuming female and I. 

Georgina splashed tin of paint at me, grunting with anger. Her big brown eyes held so much fire that I would have been scared had she not have been looking like a unicorn had pooped on her. 

It felt so good. It was like I had magic, shooting from my hands, and attacking the enemy. It was like I was Elsa but instead of shooting ice, I was shooting rainbows from my hands. Honestly, this would have made a great piece of artwork for my project.

"Girls!" The sound of the teachers snapped like a whip. The joy and freedom I felt moments ago were now replaced with fear and seriousness. 

Oh, fudge cakes. It was my first day and I was already getting detention. Great, now all of the teachers would hate me!

"What on earth is going on here?" The teacher was a skinny lady whose skin was wrinkled and her hair was like a little tuft of gray on her head. A blue bandana matched the blue cotton dress she wore. Her mature face was contorted with rage.


"It was all her fault!" Georgina had the audacity to shriek, pointing a manicured finger at me. "She started throwing your expensive paints at me like a madwoman!" 

That little bumhole!

"Lola, is this true?" The teacher arched one of her skinny, drawn-on eyebrows at me.

"Absolutely not, she came up to me randomly and-" I tried to explain what had really happened but I was rudely cut off. 

"Miss she's lying! You know I'd never do anything as careless and reckless as this. Please, Miss, look at the guilt written all over her face."

"Mrs. Blakely I assure you, that is not what happened."

"As far as I can see, you were both the victims and the culprits of this incident from the paint covering you. You will have detention after school for a week."

"Yes, miss, sorry," I muttered, though I don't really regret it. I mean, Georgina totally deserved it. 

"You can't do this miss! It's all her fault! I have plans for this week!" Mrs. Popular cried out like when a two-year-old got their toys taken away. 

"As did I, yet I have to stay here and clean up this mess."

The bell sliced through the air, making me jump and signaling the end of the day for those who did not get themselves detention. Seconds later a tidal wave of twenty students hit me as they scrambled to escape this hell. Though it was nothing compared to the first time it had happened today, I had to refrain from curling up in a ball on the floor again.


I expected detention to be so much worse, like a teacher screaming at you for an hour whilst you write an essay but it was fine other than the utter boredom. The teacher was sat at the front of the room asleep with his legs propped up on the desk and a book on his face.

I sat at my desk, trying to scratch some of the paint off of my hands and musing over what life would be like now. I had left the beautiful Sydney for this dump where I knew nothing. I didn't have that special place where I would meet my friends. I didn't even have any friends to go out in the first place!

"Hey," someone whispered behind me.

I turned around in my chair to see a short, black-haired girl smiling at me.

"Hi." I smiled back at her, thankful for the friendly, welcoming expression on her face.

"You've got a bit of paint on you," the girl informed me. 

"Yeah. It's a fashion statement," I replied, inspecting a clump of paint splattered on my golden hair. 

"I'm Bree, nice to meet you." She stretched out a hand for me to shake.

Wait a minute. So people do still greet each other like this!

I shook her small, pale hand. "I'm Lola. Why are you in detention?"

"I talked back to the teacher after he told me off for throwing a pencil at one of the popular." She shrugged as if was nothing new. "What about you?"

"I had a paint fight with Georgi- the popular Queen bee."

"Yeah, I saw it. I'm in your art." The pale girl laughed. "You are such a legend!"

"Haha, right back at ya!"

Bree snickered. "I like you. You're way better than the other idiots at this school."

"Aw, thanks! I'm so glad you're here, I thought I would never find anyone decent enough to be friends with."

"Oh, you don't understand the pain of being surrounded by these fools for so long." Bree wiped her hand across her forehead dramatically.

"Us—sane peeps need to stick together." I laughed.

"Like glue." She held out her fist to which I bumped with my own before turning my chair around fully to face my new friend. 

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