Meeting the Gang

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Yugi's POV

I meet a girl named Y/n. She had h/l h/c hair bright e/c eyes and s/t skin. She is very kind and caring. She saved me from getting hurt. But one thing that I didn't know was that she had a beautiful and powerful voice.

When she sang she started to change into someone else. I looked at the top of her head and saw a golden crown with the same eye symbol as my millennium puzzle. That got me curious

"Y/n, what's that on your head" I asked. Y/n took the crown off her head and looked at it. "It's my millennium crown." She replied. Then she looked over at me. Then she looked down at my puzzle. "What's that around your neck" she asked. I looked at my puzzle. "It's my millennium puzzle" I said.

Your POV

I looked a Yugi's puzzle and asked some questions about it. "Yugi is your puzzle special to you" I asked. "Yes it is. I got it from ancient Egypt. What about your crown" he said. "My crown is very special" I replied. "I found it while I was going for a walk"

Yugi's POV

Silence came between the two of us. Then I thought about when Y/n changed into someone else. "Y/n remember when you sang you changed into someone else" I asked. "Oh that. That was my spirit, Nefertiti. She told me that my voice powers up my millennium crown." She said.

Y/n and I talked all the way until we got to my house. "You have a game shop" she asked. "Yeah my grandpa owns it" I replied. "Cool" she said. I opened the door. "Grandpa I'm home" I called. "Ah Yugi good to see you. I see you've brought a new friend over" he said looking over at Y/n. "This is Y/n. Y/n this is my grandpa" I introduced. "Why hello Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you" my grandpa said. "You too Mr Muto" Y/n said smiling. "Have you seen my friends grandpa" I asked. "They're upstairs waiting for you" he said. "Okay thanks. Come on Y/n" I said. Then Y/n and I went upstairs to see my friends.

Your POV

Yugi and I went upstairs and stopped at the doorstep of his room. "Yugi I'm a bit nervous" I said to him. Yugi turned around and looked at me with a confused look on his face. "What makes you say that" he asked. "What if they don't like me and don't want to be my friends" I said shaking nervously.

Tears started to form in my eyes. Yugi quickly embraced me in a hug. I hugged Yugi back and started crying. Yugi rubbed circles on my back and tried to comfort me. We stayed in the position for about 2 minutes then we broke the hug and I wiped the tears from my eyes. "They are going to love you Y/n. Just be yourself" he said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Yugi opened the door and the two of us walked in. There were 5 other people in the room. They all looked at me with confused expressions on their faces. "Guys this is my new friend Y/n. Y/n these are my friends" Yugi introduced. "Hi everyone" I said shyly.

Suddenly out of nowhere a boy with blonde hair and a boy with brown hair came up really close to me. "Hey there I'm Joey Wheeler" "I'm Tristan Taylor" they said. I shook in fright until a female with short brown hair pushed them away. "Give her some space guys your scaring the poor thing." Then she looked at me. "Sorry about them. I'm Tea Gardener. Nice to meet you" she said smiling. I smiled back. "Nice to meet you too" I said.

Soon two other males walked up to me. They looked just like Yugi except they had extra gold streaks that shoot upward in their hair and they were taller. One of them was pale like Yugi and the other was tan. "Hello there" the tan one said. I turned and looked at them and waved shyly. "Hello" I said. "My name is Atem" he said. "My name is Yami. What's your name" the pale one said. "My name is Y/n L/n" I said. I smiled at them. Then I started to tear up

Yugi's POV

After all of my friends introduced themselves to Y/n she smiled at them. All of a sudden tears formed in her eyes. I put a hand on her shoulder. "N/n what's wrong" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "I never really had any friends when I was young. The only friend I had before I met you was Nefertiti" she said. "Ahh who's Nefertiti" Joey asked. "Nefertiti is the princess of Egypt. She is also the spirit of the millennium crown" Y/n said. "So that explains the crown on your head" Tristan said.

No one's POV

Everyone laughed at Tristan's statement. Y/n took her crown off and looked at it. "Nefertiti sure is special" she said to herself. "Hey Y/n" Yugi called. "Yeah" Y/n said. "Would you like to join us, as a new member" Yugi asked. Y/n smiled the brightest of all and hugged him. "I would love to" she said.

Supersonic Vocals Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now