Surprising Friends

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Yugi's POV

Y/n, Yami, Atem and I continued to hug each other until the doorbell rang. "Let's make this a surprise" I said. "How" Yami asked. "Y/n will pretend to still be unconscious and we'll pretend to still feel sad about her. Then you and Atem will take them upstairs to my room and distract them. I'll pretend to keep watch over y/n. Then you bring them down when I shout that Y/n is awake" I explained. "Oh I see. Good plan Yug" y/n said. I blushed slightly when she said my nickname.

Then the bell rang again. "Ok. Everyone in position". They nodded and Y/n laid back down and closed her eyes pretending to still be knocked out. Yami and Atem had frowns on their faces and so did I when I walked to the door and opened it. My friends saw the sad expression on my face and frown. "Y/n still hasn't woken up" Tea asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Would you guys like to come in" I asked. They nodded and I let them in.

They took a look at Y/n and their frowns grew. Tea placed her hand on Y/n's hand. "I miss her" Tea said on the verge of tears. "So do we" Atem said. "Come on. Let's go upstairs" Yami said. Tea, Tristan, and Joey walked upstairs with Atem and Yami behind them. Yami turned to me smiling and winked as did Atem. I smiled and winked back as the walked up the rest of the stairs.

Time skip
10 minutes later

I sat next to Y/n and wait for her to wake up. I heard her groan and start to open her eyes. This was it. "Guys hurry. She's awake" I shouted. Every one ran downstairs and surrounded y/n. We waited for her to wake up and sure enough her eyes were completely open.

Yami Atem and I turned to Tristan, Tea and Joey and smiled. "Surprise!" the three of us shouted. Y/n smiled at them as they ran to her. "Y/n we were so worried" Tea said. "Glad to have you back n/n" Joey said. "Group hug" Tristan said. Then he, Tea and Joey hugged her. Yami, Atem and I joined in the hug too.

We were very happy to have our friend back, happy, healthy, and alive

Supersonic Vocals Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant