Suicidal Avoidance

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Y/n's POV

"I know what he's talking about"I said worried. They all looked at me and waited for my answer. "What is it? What's wrong" Atem asked. I was on the verge of tears when I said, "Yugi is about to commit suicide!!" Everyone gasped. "We have to get to him fast" Tristan said. We all nodded and ran as fast as we could to get to Yugi before it's too late. 'Please be ok Yugi. We're coming'

Time skip

We arrived at the game shop and ran upstairs to Yugi's room. But he wasn't there. Then I heard a grunt from the bathroom. That's Yugi! I ran to the bathroom with the gang behind me. I opened the door at yugi was trying to open a bottle of strange looking pills. "Yugi no!!" I shouted as I ran over to him and knocked the bottle of pills out of his hand.

Yugi's POV

I feel really bad about myself for all of this. I was sick and tired of things going wrong. Then I heard the door open. "Yugi no!!" I heard a voice say. I saw Y/n running over to me and knocking the bottle out of my hand.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n why did you do that" Yugi said. "Yugi why are you trying to kill yourself" I asked him. Yugi started to tear up then he fell to his knees and broke down crying. I kneeled down to him and embraced him in a hug. Yugi wrapped his arms around me and continued crying. I rubbed circles on his back and started to sing.

🎶All that I see now
is not the same.
All you remember
has gone away.
But still you're standing here

So much has happen
it's hard to bare
Shadows of sadness
within your stare
But still you're standing here

Moving on
future's down the road.
But the journey won't be easy.
Rising up
standing on your own
With the beauty in your eyes

You have not lost a thing
Whatever may come
The light of hope is always shining there in your heart
You have not lost a thing
Whatever you do
Just know that your tomorrow will be waiting for you

Ever so precious
a vision shares
The future you promised
on that special day
Still memories never fade

Friends of old
back from long ago
Come again
just to say hello
And there's something that you know

Find the strength
Lies within your soul
And believe that you can do it
Rising up
standing on your own
With the beauty in your eyes

You have not lost a thing
Whatever may come
The light of hope is always shining there in your heart
You have not lost a thing
Whatever you do
Just know that your tomorrow will be waiting for you

Never have to give up
Whatever may come
The light of hope is always shining there in your heart
Haven't lost anything
No matter what comes
You know that cycle
The year is ripe when you always are.🎶

Yugi stops crying and joined Y/n in the song. (Bold is Yugi. Italics is Y/n. Underlined bold Italics is both)

🎶Sow a seed in the ground and let know

It's something special

Let it bloom let its flowers ever bloom

Many friends gather as emotions grow
And great power starts to flow

You have not lost a thing
Whatever may come
The light of hope is always shining there in your heart
You have not lost a thing
Whatever you do
Just know that your tomorrow will be waiting for you

Never have to give up
Wherever you go
Know inside that you will never be there alone
Haven't lost anything
Whatever may come

The light of hope is always shining there in your heart.🎶

Yugi finally calms down and stops crying. But he was still sad. I gave him another hug. But as Yugi wrapped his arms around me I felt his body go limp. 'He must have passed out' I thought. I placed Yugi's head on my lap. His eyes were closed and his cheeks were red.

I placed my hand on his forehead then immediately pulled it back for it was burning. "Yugi's seriously burning up!!" I shouted. "We gotta get him to the hospital fast!" Everyone nodded. I stood up, placed Yugi on my back and we ran to the hospital. 'Don't worry Yug, you'll be fine' I said to myself.

Supersonic Vocals Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat