Chapter 19

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Angelo's POV

I checked my watch again, waiting for Aria to come downstairs. It was Saturday now, and Aria and I were going to meet her parents in Beverly Hills.

And confront Thayer again.

I didn't want him to think that I was playing his sister, he was one of my closest friends. Also, I knew how close Aria and her brother were, and I feel like I'm coming in between them.

When my princess finally descended the staircase, I felt as if my breath was knocked out of my lungs. She looked like a devious angel, if that even makes sense.

It probably doesn't.

She wore a black dress with white trim, along with a pair of black pumps, and her hair was done in soft waves. I hooked an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks. Ready to go?"

I nodded and we walked out of her building, hand in hand.

She stole the keys from my back pocket and ran into the drivers side. I shook my head at her and dropped into the passenger's. I barely get to drive whenever she's with me.

Aria worked her way through traffic, her head bobbing along to Nicki Minaj. I honestly hated Nicki, but Aria was enjoying herself, so I let it be.

I draped an arm across the back of her seat and relaxed, playing with her hair. I was used to the way she drove like she was trying to win a race by now.

A while later, we pulled up in front of Aria's childhood home. It was actually more of a castle. I noticed Thayer's one of a kind Bugatti parked in the circular driveway of the Kahn household, and instantly became nervous. I prayed to whatever God that was up there that he had calmed down a bit.

Aria stepped out of the car and I did as well, wrapping an arm across her waist. We walked up the stairs to the palace of a home that belonged to Aria's parents.

A butler came to greet us and led Aria and I into a large sitting area.

"Angelo!" Aria's mother, Riya, exclaimed and stood to greet us. Honestly, Riya was one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Even at such an old age, she looked like she was in her 20s. A true exotic beauty.

I gave her a kiss on each cheek and smiled as Aria hugged her mom. Aria would look so beautiful in old age, just like Riya. I greeted the rest of the family, her father, Maddox, and the twins, Sutton and Spencer. I gave a nod to Thayer and hugged Tessa.

Things seemed to be going pretty well, until Maddox received a call. He stepped out of the room, and we could hear loud voices. He sounded angry. About an hour and a half later, he stepped back in, with a man and a guy about Aria's age.

Maddox looked frustrated, ready to punch something, probably. "Aria, darling. I need you to meet someone."

Aria furrowed her brows and got up to stand by her father. "Dad? Who are these people?"

Her father sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Darling, this is the man you're arranged to marry."



I'm sorry! Please don't murder me...

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Love y'all (even though you probably hate me now),


Priyanka Chopra, aka Riya Kahn. She won the Miss World pageant of 2000 at age 18! --->

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