Chapter 14 - Mysterious Scroll

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Jane's POV

I was in my room sitting on my bed untying the ribbon that kept the scroll closed.

Lunch was perfect, well besides the delicious 50 waffles I scoffed down I enjoyed my time with Ginny, Hermione, Blaise and Draco.

We chatted and laughed like we knew each other for years. I missed that kind of company and in a way each of them reminded me of my friends back home.

"Hey Jane what you got there?"

I jumped upright and was in my fighting stance position looking around the room frantically until my eyes landed on Dobby.

I smiled and laughed obviously rolling my eyes at how stupid I might have looked at that moment.

"Dobby can you give a girl a signal or a sign before entering like that? You scared the sh..."
I corrected "You scared me that's all." I said sitting on the bed again.

Dobby gave me a concerned look and frowned.

"Dobby sorry for scaring you Jane." Dobby said fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah signal or warn a girl next time thanks." I said.

Dobby nodded and jumped on the bed to sit next to me.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted to give this to me, you know what the scroll contains?" I asked

"Master Dumbledore never mentioned to Dobby about a scroll." Dobby said.


I grabbed the scroll that I dropped on the bed and unrolled it.

"Who sent this to Professor Dumbledore?" I asked myself out loud.

It was a letter and it read

"Dear Jane,

Welcome to Hogwarts shall I say first of all, we're so very glad to be having another student who is of "pure-blood", but tell me are you really a Dumbledore or are you an imposter? Now you're probably wondering who wrote this letter to you and why.  It's  dead simple,  you have me interested and I don't know why,  but I'll figure it out eventually I mean I'm good at revealing secrets. You think you have everyone fooled, but not me you can count on that. Give grandpa my regards.

I will have you by my side before your little gang of so called "friends" can have enough time to blink. It would be best if you didn't tell anyone of this, because I will find out and if you do well you can say goodbye to each of the students here at Hogwarts.

I don't know why Professor Dumbledore would lie about something such as this, I mean the old hag has lost his touch with knowing how to cover up his tricks and truths don't you think? No matter he'll be gone once I've dwelt with you first.

I'll see you at the party when the time comes, because I can't wait to get my hands on what's going to be mine and make you suffer miserably bit by bit... or maybe I'll just go straight to the point and kill you ... oh no sorry wrong person that's what I'll do to Professor Dumbledore only a hundred times worse.

I think I'll stop here and wait until we meet to finish off the rest of this letter, but until then...

P. S. Don't trust what Potter tells you even I could fool him into thinking I was your dear grandpa, Professor Album Dumbledore.



"No freaking way" I said shockingly and looked at Dobby who too was shocked.

He was about to say something, but I put my fingers on his lips to silence him. I signaled him to shush.

I'm guessing this person who wrote this letter is the dark Lord himself. I guess I took Professor  Dumbledore's advice for granted when he said lay low and to not cause attention, I might as well slap myself in the face for being so careless and now "he's" somehow figured out I'm not related to Professor Dumbledore.

If anything this letter didn't scare me one bit, yes I was afraid for my friends and of course Professor Dumbledore himself, but the dark Lord should think twice before messing with someone like me. I might sound overconfident but it takes one to endure pain compared to someone who inflicts it on others for selfish reasons or to gain what? Power? Greed? who flipping knows? it sounds somewhat cheesy to me, but to him of course not.

Not only that, but he somehow gave it to Harry as Professor Dumbledore... meaning only one thing right? He freaking used polyjuice potion and managed to nick one his hairs the weirdo. 

I got out a pen and paper and wrote to Dobby instead of replying back by mouth. I didn't want to risk anything not now.

"Don't tell Professor Dumbledore or anyone for that matter. This stays between you and me. Understand?" I scribbled on the paper before showing Dobby.

He hesitated, but nodded at me.

"Act like everything is cool, but be on high alert." I scribbled down and passed the paper for him to read.

Dobby nodded again in understanding.

I scrunched up the piece of paper got my wand out and shot at it turning it into burnt shreds.

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