Heroes don't always win

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Life isn't like a fairy tale, nothing's perfect, the world isn't kind, not every man is created eqaul. Izuku had to learn this the hard way. He learned that fate had a different plan for everything and everyone. He can still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was snowing that day and everyone was inside or getting to a shelter, everyone except Izuku that is. He sat on top of the edge of a bridge railing, staring down at the half frozen river beneath him. Izuku was in middle school with his childhood "friend" Katsuki Bakugou or other wise known to him as Kacchan. 

Sorry I can't remember if it was middle school or junior high.

Izuku had already texted his goodbye letter to his mom and Kacchan and prepared to send it to them. Izuku clicked send and turned his phone off and threw it next to his shoes. Izuku looked up into the sky with his tear filled eyes and sat there for a couple more minutes.

Katsuki and his mother had gotten into another argument over some petty thing again. Katsuki had enough and threw on a jacket and left the house. He started walking around as the snow fell. He pulled out his phone and checked the time, "18:35." Katsuki sighed, he finally decided to stop and take a look around at his surroundings. He had somehow managed to walk to the park where he spent most of his childhood. The park was empty seeing as it was snowing, Katsuki walked up to a swing and sat down. He looked up at the sky and whispered "Why do I always have to get so angry and defensive?" Katsuki sat there lost in thought until he heard his phone ding. He opened his eyes and pulled out his phone to see that he had gotten a text from Deku. "Huh what does that shitty nerd want?" Katsuki said aloud slightly confused. He opened his message from Deku and started reading silently. Katsuki's eyes widen and he stood up from the swing and started sprinting in a random direction. He didn't mean what he said at school his anger had gotten the best of him and he couldn't stop himself. Katsuki had no idea where he was going but he continued to run. He ran and ran until his legs gave out not to far from a brick bridge, There he saw a short boy with a mop of messy green hair. The boy had started to get up from his sitting position and held his arms out. Katsuki's eyes widen once again and he started dashing as the green haired boy was falling. Everything seemed as if it was in slow motion. Katsuki had gotten there just in time to grab Izuku's arm. Izuku was startled from someone grabbing his arm for he had not noticed Katsuki running towards him. He looked up and saw Ruby red eyes filled with worry and fear. "K-kacchan? W-what are you doing here?" Izuku asked confused to why his childhood friend and bully tried to save him. "What the Fuck Deku you sent me a fucking text saying you were going to commit Suicide, So don't fucking ask what I'm doing here!" Katsuki said with fear but with evident furry. "Just.. Just let me go," Izuku said with his head down. "WHAT?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO THAT?!?" Katsuki yelled once again. "OH I DON'T KNOW MAYBE BECAUSE YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TOLD ME TO JUMP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" Izuku yelled letting out some pent up anger. This had shocked Katsuki because he's never heard Izuku yell at anyone before. "Look i-i I didn't mean it I wasn't thinking straight my anger had taken control and I just couldn't-" Katsuki tried to say but was cut off by Izuku. "I don't care, just let me go." Izuku was done with everything, he was done with quirks, done trying to be a hero, and done trying to live a useless life. "What?!? NO I'M NOT LETTING GO!" Katsuki yelled yet again. Izuku sighed and said "Fine if you won't let go then I'll just have to force you to." Izuku reached his free hand up and tried to pry Katsuki's hand away. Katsuki's eyes widen even more if that was even possible, he was starting to lose his grip on Izuku's arm. "I guess heroes don't always win huh?" those were the last words Katsuki heard before Izuku fell.


Katsuki jerked up into a sitting position covered in sweat and tears. It was the same nightmare that's haunting Katsuki since he became a hero. He and Izuku had been dating for awhile. Katsuki turned to look at his boyfriend how was sound asleep next to him. "It was just a dream." Katsuki whispered after seeing his boyfriend safe and sound. He pulled the covers back over him and wrapped his arms around Izuku. "ugmmm K-kacchan? Is there something wrong?" Izuku asked as he turned to face his boyfriend with sleepy eyes. "No nothing's wrong just go back to sleep." Katsuki said slowly drifting back to sleep. Izuku reached his hand up to Katsuki's face to wipe away some tears that had strayed away. "okay, and please don't cry anymore I'm right here." "Okay, now go back to sleep we have a meeting tomorrow." "Yeah okay. " Their soft whispers faded to a comforting silence as the duo slipped into and peaceful rest silently smiling.


Hey guys sorry this chapter feels kind of rushed but here you go. I'm going to start school on Monday so please accept this chapter as my apology for no chapters lately.

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