A Trip To Get Some Milk

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Katsuki had just gotten home from a rough day at work so he went to go find his precious cinnamon roll. The strange silence irked the ash-blond so he started his search for his boyfriend. He laced throughout their shared apartment but found nothing so he went to the last place in the kitchen. Once Katsuki reached the kitchen he found a note saying "Hey Kacchan if you made it back home before I do then there's some leftover curry in the fridge. I noticed we didn't have any milk so I went to the store to pick some up for us. I'll be back soon so go ahead and eat without me. -Izuku" Katsuki put the note back down on the counter and sighed. "That idiot could've told me to pick some up before I came home.". Katsuki went to find the leftover curry when he had a sudden call. He walked over to pick up his phone, "Hello?" "Hello yes is this Bakugou Katsuki?" "Yes, and who might you be?" Katsuki questioned as his face formed into a slight frown. "This is XXX Hospital and we've been informed that Izuku Midoriya is on his way here." Katsuki's eyes widen with fear at the mention of Izuku. "Is he okay?!?" "According to the ambulance operators, he's in a stable condition for now and it seems the cause was a car accident" "okay okay I'm on way there now," Katsuki said as he hung up the phone and grabbed his keys.

Katsuki arrived at the hospital and signed in and was to wait in the waiting room for the doctor's result.
After half an hour the doctor came out of the room. "Izumi Midoriya" the doctor called out. Katsuki raised his hand and watched as the doctor walked over. "Is he alright?!?" Katsuki asked standing up. The doctor shook his head, "he injured a few major organs so he's suffering from internal bleeding, we tried our best. He's awake right now but he might not make it through the night so I suggest you go see him." Without another word, Katsuki made a mad dash to Izuku's room. Once he arrived he slightly knocked and said: "I'm coming in." Tatsumi opened the door and walked in and saw a bandaged Izuku staring out the window. "I-izuku?" Izuku turned and looked at who had called his name and smiled. "Kacchan" Katsuki walked over to the chair next to the hospital bed and sat down. He looked up at Izuku and smiled. "Why, why didn't you just tell me to pick up the milk before I came home?" Katsuki asked as the tears slid down his face. Izuku smiled. "I guess I didn't think about that." Tears slowly started descending both of the boy's faces. "Kacchan I'm scared the doctors said I might not make it through the night," Izuku said through his tears. "It'll be okay because I'll be here with you, wherever you go I'll be right behind you." Katsuki tried to comfort Izuku though he probably didn't sound very convincing. Izuku smiled. They both smiled and leaned it for what might be their last kiss. "Kastuki I love you" "I love you too"

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