Merman [ Law X Reader ] Preview

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What's Up Stranger?

Mermen are mythical male equivalents and counterparts of mermaids – Legendary Creatures, who have the form of a male human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down, having scaly fish tails in place of legs. A "merboy" is a young merman.

In contrast to mermaids, mermen were traditionally depicted as unattractive. However, some modern depictions show them as handsome.

The actions and behavior of mermen can vary wildly depending on the source and time period of the stories. They have been said to sink ships by summoning great storms, but also said to be wise teachers, according to earlier mythology. Mermen, just like mermaids, can lure and attract humans with their enchantingly beautiful, soft melodic and seductive siren-like singing voices and tones.

 Mermen, just like mermaids, can lure and attract humans with their enchantingly beautiful, soft melodic and seductive siren-like singing voices and tones

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[ W a r n i n g : The story is set in the Modern Time ]


"Order up!" The bell rang numerous times, each hit on the remainder stronger and more annoying than the last one. I turned to the chef and shouted back, my arms and legs aching from sprinting around and pleasing the customers with my fake line 'Your order will be here soon'.

"Ok! Got it! Table six and seven!"

"Can't you be a bit faster?" The man with white moustaches pointed at the long que, seemingly without an end. "With such speed we are going to lose most of the potential guests."

"I'm going as fast as I can! It's so damn hot today!" I grumbled, more to myself than to the elder man. A sigh escaped my mouth as I skipped to the prepared food on the counter and brought it to the one of the tables.

Just one more hour, Y/n! Just...One...More...Hour. And then it is finally break for my poor, overworked bones.

Oh, yes, sea, here I come!

It had been a long time since I had the chance to actually take some time off from my studies and try to earn enough money for the new surfboard I was aiming to buy. I frantically yearned to replace the old one with a new, better developed board that would allow me to freely enjoy the open sea and let loose of all my problems.

Even though it was scorching hot during summer in East Blue, I silently liked the change in climate. To add a giant plus to my advantages, the chance I was bestowed with to work five meters from my passion was just breath-taking.

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