🎃 DOOR 2 🎃 episode 2

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We sat down on the tatami, where I initially hesitated but then, wanting to avoid any complications, just obliged to Perona's pleadings. I refused the first cup when it was time to finally bring some alcohol into the game. The main reason was probably the fact that I somehow still stubbornly stuck to my plan of abandoning the crew after an hour or so. By then, nobody would be sober enough to notice my absence.

I shuddered when I remembered the unopened books and a still unwritten essay that was due next week.

"How should we start? Randomly? Or do we have a volunteer?"

Nobody replied to Ace's suggestion as everyone uncomfortably looked at each other, silently hoping the first initiative from the closest neighbor. Even Kid didn't seem thrilled of the thought of being the macho man, who would strut inside one of the rooms. He preferred to make fun of the first sacrifice rather to make a fool of himself.

"Should we just spin the bottle?" A lump formed in my mouth, thus creating a not so reliable suggestion from my side. This way of choosing seemed to me the fairest, giving me a 11:1 chance of actually being selected.

"And choose what exactly? The player or the room?"

I though for a second. "Both."

Sabo and Ace peeked at each other then shrugged. "Better than nothing I guess. Should we use coke for this?"

"Does it even matter?" Bonney murmured, clearly impatient. It would have been an understatement if I told that the pinkette was the most composed in the group. She tried to distract herself with munching on sweets and popcorn. But when that didn't suffice, she started to complain.

"Hey, don't be in such a bad mood. If you are so eager to start, you can be the first one. Nobody is holding you back."

The pinkette huffed, but didn't utter another comment. And not just her. Every last one of us was in state where conversation died off after a sentence or two. It had been like this ever since we stepped inside the house. Although the music loudly played a few doors ahead and the place had a normal-running electricity, it still felt... Abandoned... Cold...

This was my real reason for wanting to escape this party. I had a bad feeling.

"Can I spin the bottle?" Robin asked. No one had anything against it, so she crunched down and without any difficulties, spun the object.

A menacing atmosphere was ubiquitous between us. I hadn't even realized that I was holding my breath all along. While I slowly exhaled, the speed of the object decreased. The tip of it indicated that it would stop on someone opposite me, but no matter how much I prayed... It didn't go the way I wanted it to go.

"..." Everyone blinked twice when the tip stopped on me. Rather than pointing out the strange part of the judgement, everyone accepted the fate. Except for me.

It was clear that the bottle hadn't halted in my direction, but in Ace's. I wanted to blame the wind for changing the swing of the object... But how could I use the wind for an excuse... if the windows were completely shut, making it impossible for a breeze to enter the room.

I gulped. "I g-guess I am the first one."


I gasped, violently looking around. I heard a sizzling sound. When my mind once again broke into a complete silence, I curved to the group where everyone greeted me with surprised stares. As if I were going crazy.

Kid was the only one who laughed. "What, are you scared? Don't be a party-pooper. Spin the bottle."

Nami was his total opposite. She hesitated as if she noticed the increased uneasiness in me.. "Look Y/n, if you feel uncomfortable..."

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