Dad!Kizaru x Daughter!Reader

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[ A/n ] This chapter is a special request by EmperatrizDeBronce. It's not really connected with the theme Fantastical Creatures, but I found it fun to write soooo.... 

Why not?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It was a usual day at the Marineford, mostly because I was just lazing around and following Koby everywhere he went. The pinkish male didn't mind it, but that could have also been because he was too of a gentleman to refuse me. After thinking about his own physical well-being, I decided to let him off the hook and retreat to the library.

The entire week was, frankly put, an eyesore in the ass and if it weren't for a particular someone, I would have already been deep in work, perhaps even given a special mission. Of course, my hopes were quickly smashed when the enormous male, that meticulously wore the yellow striped suit, assigned me to other meaningless duties. Going back to his attire, it was so bright and hurtful for the eye to the point that I had to beg him to change his style a bit or at least change the color for a more subtle.

I sighed, which was the fifth time in less than 10 minutes and flipped between the pages until I got to the part that interested me. "Revolutionary army... How interesting... I hope I'll be soon assigned to something interesting as that." In the entirely empty space, there was a calm solitude. Usually, that was the thing I wished for after a hard day and bandaged wounds. However, today wasn't one of those days.

The knocked startled me. "Yes?" A familiar couple greeted me with raised hands as they then tiptoed towards me.

"Guys, there's no need to be quiet. No one's here. Well, except for me and my loneliness."

"You have it tough don't you? Perhaps," Koby exchanged glances with Helmeppo, "this will make you a bit happier. The admiral is asking for you."

I arched my eyebrow. "Oh, he is, huh?" I pushed myself from the desk and immediately jumped on my feet. "Well, then. Let's go greet my daddy dearest then. I'm dying to hear why I got locked in this mansion like some damsel in distress."

When the blonde was sure that there was a large distance between us, he leaned to the other guy and whispered: "Should we tell her she's far from some girly princess?"

"I don't think it would be the wisest think to do."

"I can still hear you!"




"Ok, we need to be quiet, we don't want to disturb him too muc–" I averted my eyes. I seriously didn't know why they were so hung up on the whole 'silence' thing.

"Oooo, daaaaddddd! You called for meeeeee!!!!! Daaaaaaddddd!" I totally dismissed the correct ways of greeting a man from higher ranks. Fuck those -desu and -masu Kizaru used. If it was in any way connected with the lenient man I called father, then I just didn't care about the formalities.

"I'm coming in!" I stepped inside with Koby and Helmeppo behind me, both of them bowing and saluting to the man to excuse my lack of courtesy...Then disappearing when they remembered it would be more convenient not to face the 'terrifying' male. It was fine by me either way.

"Yo," I threw myself on the comfortable sofa, god bless whoever bought it, and sent a lazy smile, "what's up, dad?"

"Ohhh, you came quite fast." The giant spun on his seat and faced me directly, his narrow eyes resting on my smug. We stared at each other and believe it or not, that was our family greeting instead of a hug. As a minute passed by, he began talking. "So... I heard you were bored... Is that correct?"

I cringed and exaggeratively threw my hands in dismissal. "Nah, I just enjoy sweeping dust from the book shelves. It's what makes me going, ya know? Brushing, cleaning, wiping... Just name it!"

"Is that so?"

My smile immediately fell into a frown. "Nope. I'm bored. Anyone would be if they have literally nothing to do! Come on, dad! Give me something fun to do! Blast a pirate ship? Catch a top-shot pirate? Rescue a village? Evacuate a burning building? G after the Supernovas? Please, just give me something to work with!"

"...Why are you so eager? Relax...Take some days off."

I didn't know if the tick on my forehead was visible or not, but if it was, he wasn't showing any signs of consideration. "Like I said. It's boring. I wanna have some fun!" I pouted, clearly knowing how to play the correct cards.

"Ohhh, should I then ask Akainu for some work. Though, I doubt it would be to your liking."

"Akainu? I mean, ahm, General Akainu? Well, I don't want to go that extreme." I murmured. I perked up with begging eyes. "You know pretty well, I don't particularly...What's the word I'm searching for? Oh, yeah... Tolerate the man."

"Is that so? There are some things you can't do---."

"Who knows? So, are you done talking to me or can I know ask for a better job?"

"I won't be able to change your mind?"

"You are perhaps a Light Human, but your words can't really persuade me into something else. Trust me. I know you like the back of my hand."

He lowly whistled and sent me one of his trait subtle smiles. "Feisty like your mother."

"And luckily not as lazy as my dad."

He slowly laughed and shook his head. A peace of sheet was sent from across the room. I quickly grabbed it and scanned the text.

"Better?" The man asked and carefully examined my reaction.

I nodded and contently grinned. "Waaaayyyyy better! Thanks. Now I can take my leave."

"Oh, my... Looks like you're going all out. I'll be disappointed if you won't conquer at least one land, Y/n."

"Of course I won't. I'll show them what I'm made of. I'm no pussy." I blinked. Internally I squeaked like a little girl.

"And if you'll succeed than expect a great reward."

My hand halted on the doorknob as I leisurely rotated my head. "What kind of reward? Are you sure you know what you're saying. Perhaps you are losing you marbles, it might be a good time for you to retire, hmm?"

"Wooo... You are quite severe today. Go or I'll just change my mind."

I happily took his warning and left without any tantrums. With this, I had filled my schedule and there was no question that I'd try to seize the opportunity to my advantage.

"Maybe I'll try to remember his birthday... Maybe. Next year, yeah.."


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