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**Tougher than—




Steve Harrington


**Aniya Howard




ANIYA HOWARD AT THE EARLY AGE OF ELEVEN HAD COME TO CONCLUSION THAT SHE WAS NORMAL. She's a biracial girl who has lived in **South Carolina all her life in the same house with her happily married parents. She attended school with the same people she's known since kindergarten. Aniya Howard had her average number of friends, good enough grades for middle school and her fair share of fun times. Hell, she's had her future planned since fourth grade.

She would graduate high school a year early with an outstanding GPA of 4.0 and possibly higher with extracurricular activities to land her a scholarship at Yale or Harvard. She would be sure to study in doctoral programs. By age 25, she would be an intern at one of the finest hospitals of wherever she settled and work her way up to be the best female doctor her generation had ever seen.

So how did the young girl's life turn so upside down?

Her parents screwed up — big time.

On her twelfth birthday, Aniya and her parents move to Indiana Hawkins. In just a few weeks, the Howard family has managed to become quite popular in their neighborhood. Aniya had made many friends. One day, what she thought was just a take your daughter to work day, turned out to be the worst day of her life. The day her father betrayed her. The day reality hit. The day she understood just how dirty scientist could be.

Years have passed and Aniya has endured experiment after experiment, developed abilities she had only read about in comics and has grown further and further into isolation.

Until one day she gets the opportunity to escape.

Until one day she gets the opportunity to escape

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1) so i got lazy at the end of the summary but basically she moves to hawkins with her family on her 12th birthday and she ends up liking it. she's only out and about for a few weeks before taken to the lab . where she never leaves after that

2) her dad is an asshole . even before they moved he was on the dirty side . his communication with hawkins lab had been ongoing before he finally moved them down there . using aniya as an test child had always been the plan . since she was born . her mother however is the reason she was able to live a normal life up until she was 12.

3) the few weeks she spends in hawkins before being held hostage she makes a lot of friends . more specifically , child!steve . they are basically besties before she disappears .

4) my theory for her disappearance ? you can choose how the mother leaves , but she does , and the talk of the town is that she left wit aniya when she "divorced" the father

5) her opportunity to escape is the beginning of season 1. she escapes with eleven but they do not stay together . they get separated. when eleven is found by the gang , aniya is still out on her own in the woods . literally right after nancy, tommy and carol leaves their little pool party she ends up in steve's yard or whatever** he recognizes her and is all concerned and shook .

6) aniya becomes super attached to steve after he takes her in . he's the last thing she remembers. she has no idea where her mother is

7) ofc include flashbacks of their cute moments when they were kids and when she was in the lab

8) you can choose her powers

9) aniya is damaged ! i expect to see some character growth

10) you can choose how she ends up with the rest of the gang . maybe she separates from steve or whatever .

11) aniya and eleven are considerably close . so while they are separated they are definitely thinking of each other and are secretly lookin for each other . i want their reunion to be super badass and fluff

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