Levi x Annie

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Admin:Sorry if its blurry Hanji phone died and she found a really old one or she used an Android (not that there is anything wrong with that)

Ymir:Can you just show us the Picture?


*Admin shows picture*

Admin:So does Annie still have more standards?


Mikasa:Levi your dead!

Admin:Mikasa that's the nicest picture you will see of them the other one that I was thinking of choosing is .... Interesting ...

Mikasa:Show me Later, okay?

Annie:Admin what do you mean?What other photo?

Admin:Its from Christmas

Annie:oh do you mean the last one?


Levi:You wouldnt dare!

Admin:*whispers*I'll show you later which is Next chapter

Annie & Mikasa:ok

Admin:Anyways opinions and ship or sink?

Ymir & Eren:3/10 Sink sorry dude just no

Mikasa & Hanji:0/10 No sink Levi/Annie is mine!

Annie:Mika you know I didn't mean to like kiss him right

Mikasa:Yeah he pulled you into a kiss, I still love you and I'll never stop *kisses Annie*

Hanji:Are you saying Levi is a cheater and a liar?!

Mikasa:Well yeah cause he is trying to kiss her!

Hanji:Sure he is, you Traitor lover!

Mikasa:Take that back!

Armin:Admin do something!!!

Admin:ok Everyone is now nice!BAMM

Admin:Anyways Opinions and Ship or sink?

Armin:3/10 Sink sorry, I dont know anymore for what I should expect, later on

Pieck & Porco:5/10 I dont know anymore

Admin:I'm so glad you take your Meds, Pieck

Pieck:Its hard but I work with it even though I do stupid stuff

Annie:So loving me is stupid?

Pieck:W-What n-no!I didn't mean I-it!

Annie:I was kidding, I still think of you as Family

Reiner & Bert:8/10 Ship haven't seen this before so it's interesting

Annie & Levi:7/10 We dont care

Eren & Ymir:Suuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee....

*Annie & Levi fight Eren and Ymir*

Admin:ok bye guys!

Everyone:Bye guys!! :)

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