Levi X Cleaning supplies

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Admin:So here I found Levi cheating, sorry Hanji


Admin:Yeah... It's just that he was gonna marry Windex

Hanji:... Bahahhaha lol oh yeah I know about that


Windex:Levi youre cheating on me?!


Levi:Its not what it looks like!

Windex:No I want a divorce and I'm taking the Mr.Clean Jr with me too!


Admin:Opinions and ship or sink?

Everyone:10/10 ship

Annie:Wait does that mean Levi you had Sex with Windex?

Levi:I dont want to talk about it....


Mikasa:Hey Annie


Mikasa:Can you do me a favor

Annie:Depends on what it is hun...

Mikasa:Can you wear that outfit again?


Mikasa:I mean you look really hot in it but can you just wear it for me?

Annie:Fine...Just this once though ok...


*Annie leaves room *

Eren:Mikasa what were you talking about?

Mikasa:You'll see...

Eren:Okay... but what are you talking about and what do you mea-

*Annie Walks in*

Annie:Uh...Why are all of you looking at me?

Everyone except Mikasa and Admin:*Has a nosebleed*

Mikasa:Its nothing darling can you come here and sit with me?

Annie:But there's no seats?

Mikasa:Then sit on my lap come on, babe


Eren:So uh Annie h-how are you t-today?

Annie:Oh I'm doing fine I guess..

Pieck:Porco can you pass some napkins?

Porco:Huh? Oh yeah

*Passes napkins*

Annie:Admin can you make everyone stop having a nosebleed?

Admin:Ok Everyone now doesnt have a nosebleed cause of Annie!Bam

Annie:What did I do?!


Mikasa:Hey Ann


Mikasa:I love you

Annie:I love you too

Eren:Hey Annie


Eren:I'm so sorry for how I acted can we just hug it out

Annie:Its ok and 1 hug

Mikasa:How come I dont get a hug?!


*Hugs Mikasa then hugs Eren*

Annie:There can we end this chapter now?...

Pieck:Yeah.... I needs to take my meds...

Admin:Yeah ok Bye guys


... ... ...
I love you <3 all

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