"Bonus" (Levi X Annie)

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Admin:Here is the picture Mikasa and Annie


Mikasa:.. *nose bleeds*

Annie:Oh my god Mika are you ok?

Mikasa:*holds nose*Yeah I'm fine its just that you look amazing...

Annie:*blushes" Oh yeah... I guess I do

Mikasa:Also why were you wearing this?You would never wear this?...

Annie:It was a dare for Levi and I

Admin:Mikasa You're ok with this even with Levi's trying not to look at Annie while blushing?

Mikasa:Oh Yeah I was gonna kill him :D but then I realized who cant look away at Annie when she is wearing this she looks hot!


Admin:ok thats enough cya guys later the next ship youre gonna love bye!

Mikasa & Annie:Bye

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