Aot,Marvel and Dc

987 17 19

[Warning:Feels] Just to say right now Idk which character is Armin but I know the rest here you go

Wonder Woman-Annie



Green Lantern-Bertloldt

Captain America-Reiner

Super Girl-Sasha



Night Wing-Armin


I want to be your guy's friends so much uwu (Thank you)
Admin:Here you guys this is how you guys look!

Annie:Why am I Wonder Woman?

Ymir:Because you Wonder in Mikasa's pants

Annie:*Blushes*H-Hey!You dont have a costume that's unfair

Admin:Sorry here I'll put her in a costume too, princess


Admin:Sorry! But really here Ymir


Admin:Fine your now wearing it!Bam

(Here it is I legit I found Annie ones but then I kept scrolling and scrolling so I had to stop myself)Also this has Rivamika for you _lucy_bern_ :)

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(Here it is I legit I found Annie ones but then I kept scrolling and scrolling so I had to stop myself)Also this has Rivamika for you _lucy_bern_ :)

Annie:Hey Ymir where ye Booty of Historia

Historia:Right here!


Mikasa:Whos laughing now Ymir?

Ymir:You for cheating on Annie with Levi


Mikasa:Its a lie Ann I promise to our relationship

Ymir:You shouldn't have done that Mikasa, here Annie

Ymir:You shouldn't have done that Mikasa, here Annie

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Annie:.... I guess we're done then huh Mikasa?...

Hanji:Levi!How could you?? *sniffles*

Annie:Hanji do you need... A hug?

Hanji:Yes please...

*Hanji Hugs Annie*

Hanji:Thank you

Annie:You're welcome

Admin:Wow this took a turn

Ymir:And there was way "Worse"

Historia:Ymir! Help them you ruined their lives!

Ymir:No I didnt Mikasa was the one who cheated when they started dating and so did Levi how is that my fault?!

Annie:From the start huh?

Mikasa:Ann no!-

Annie:Dont call me Ann you cheater I was right you were a cheater and a Liar!

Hanji:Ann... Can you please stop yelling

Annie:Ok ... Hey Hanji?


Annie:Want to get Ice cream with The Warriors and I?

Hanji:Yes please...

*Hanji and Annie leave*

Admin:Wow I didnt expect that-

*Mikasa starts crying*

Historia:Hey Mikasa its gonna be alright

Mikasa:No its not I didnt want this I didnt want to have to choose!

Historia:Mikasa can I ask you a question

Mikasa:Sure... *sniffles*

Historia:Why did you cheat on Annie?

Mikasa:It wasnt fun when we started I didn't know her back then,so then I went with Levi but slowly I learned about Annie then I loved her and I didnt want to stop seeing Levi but now shes gone...

Historia:Oh ... Just let all the tears out Mikasa

*A few hours later*

Annie:Hanji did you like the movie?

Hanji:Yeah it was so good!

Pieck:Yeah thanks for paying Ann!

Annie:It was fine after the dare these idiots did

Reiner:I didnt know that Cat had a taser!

Bertholdt:At least the dog didnt shoot you and Porco!

Porco:I wish I could forget theses Memories ;-;

Annie:hahahahaha thats what you get!



Mikasa:Annie I missed you!

Annie:Sure you did wheres Levi since you probably missed him more...


Annie:Hey you guys wanna go upstairs to my room?

Porco:No we don't wanna get fucked!

Annie:Sure you dont you idiot

Pieck:Hey Ann..

Annie:yes Pieck?

Pieck:Can I kiss you?

*Looks at Mikasa for a second *

Annie:Sure why not I'm single now so

*Pieck and Annie kiss *

Annie:come on guys lets go theres not a good vibe here

To be continued...

How was that?It has feels and should I do a part 2 or just erase this or stop this whole book until I turn to a better writer?Anyways sorry for the feels also did you feel the Feels if that makes sense?-Z.F

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