Part 3 :)

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Lucy is _lucy_bern_ ok so yeah :)

Admin:Damn It!

Ymir:Well what else did you expect?

Historia:Well I thought he would have wanted Annie to feel better

Lucy:Well its Reiner and Porco they're the ones who made Mikasa Sound like a really bad person who wants to hurt Annie so we get thoses 2 out, and it will be easier

Ymir:Who are you?

Lucy:Oh Yeah... Im Lucy Bern cadet

Admin:Yeah we needed someone smart


Admin:Am I wrong?

Ymir:I-I- ugh!

Admin:Anyways we could take those 2 out by making them see Mikasa is just as sad as Annie... Wait where is Mikasa?

Eren:She is reading Mikannie Fan fiction but now she's reading this one so yeah....

Mikasa:I LOVE YOU ANNIE!!*Sniffles*

Admin:Lucy get Reiner and Porco down here and tell them that there is Pizza and then try to show Mikasa sad as much as possible, okay?

Lucy:Okay, Admin

*Annie's Room*

Reiner:Ann you sure you're ok?

Annie:Yeah I just need a bit of time...

Knock Knock

Bert:Marcel do you know who that could be?


Lucy:Hi, My names Lucy and I just came by to say to Reiner and Porco there is Pizza for you


Porco:Just for us?


Porco:Cool! We'll be there in a bit

Lucy: Alright

*In a different room*


Ymir:Wow they really arent the brightest


Lucy:Oh here they come hide!...

Porco:Hey Lucy! Where is the Pizza?

Lucy:Oh Yeah I forgot where I put it can you help me?

Reiner:Of Course!


Porco:Wait what is she doing here?

Mikasa:I miss Annie *sniffles*.....

Reiner:Then Why did you go with Levi?! Huh?!

Mikasa:I didnt like her at first because I didnt know her okay! But, now I know and shes gone!...*starts crying*


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