Petra x Annie

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Admin:Next Ship is Petra X Annie!


Petra:......Arent you my killer?

Annie:Yeah and this happened at one point right?



Mikasa:How long ago was this?

Annie:To be honest I dont even know..


Admin:It was yesterday...

Annie:Do I have that bad memory or something??


Mikasa:Annie, Its fine, I love you just don't leave me


Annie:That's a bit sad not gonna lie she is pathetic without me....

*Little Marchosias demon pops in her shoulder*

Marchosias:Yeah I just read this book/looked at the past and she's pathetic without you this can be used to our advantage....

Annie:That is true....

Mikasa:Annie I love you

Annie:I love you too now-

Mikasa:Make love to me Annie...

Annie:W-What I'm not gonna do that and you know why....

Marchosias:Thirsty much...


Marchosias:So when am I basically gonna have kids?

Annie:Actually yeah when are you gonna give birth?


Marchosias:Oh it's in March since in december 31 (New years Eve) You were 6 months pregnant and its January so that's 7 month pregnant and ect.

Annie:I hate March......

Mikasa:it's ok Sweetie

Admin:Guys you forgot about ship or sink Petra X Annie

Everyone except Marchosias,Annie and Petra:0/10 sink

Marchosias:9/10 Sink I hope I dont kill her she seems nice...


Annie:5/10 I don't care

Marchosias:Oh You Will care muhaha...

Petra:Its cute but Mikasa might kill me so 3/10 sh-sink!

Mikasa:Yeah thats what I thought

Annie:Mikasa be nice

Eren:So Petra how you feeling?

Petra:I'm okay I guess

Marchosias:Eren you better be nice to Annie because If your not oh boy is it gonna come back to bite you.


Mikasa:Will Annie and I ever be Married?


Admin:Bye Guys!



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