Mikasa x Sasha

972 19 1

Admin:Next Ship is Mikasa x Sasha

Connie:-100/10 sink Sasha is mine not yours!

Mikasa:I was just yelling at her for stealing Annie's food!

Admin:But this was 2 minutes ago arent you both single?


Mikasa: 0/10 Sink I still love Annie

*Annie trying not to smile*

Annie:10/10 Ship I want Mikasa to love someone she wont cheat on.

Sasha:So what is happening here?

Mikasa:Annie is being Salty

Annie:Wow I love you too note the lie and sarcasm

Mikasa: ;-;

Admin:Annie can you just date Mikasa she is miserable without you

Annie:But she can go with Levi

Levi:No, I broke up with her too, sorry Ann by the way

Annie:I gues, Its fine since, you broke it off with her too so...

*Annie high fives Levi and gives him a hug*

Annie:Thanks bro

Levi:No problem bro

Annie:Wait so Mikasa I was your second choice right since you went with Levi after we broke up but he rejected you so you came back to me wow...



Historia:Be nice and rate this Ship or sink guys!

Sasha:0/10 Sorry Mikasa but I'm with Connie

Connie:Yeah! *sticks toungue out*

Mikasa:Ann used to do that when we would play together....*sniffles*

Admin:Annie help her!

Annie:Fine there, there... You turd...

Mikasa:I love you so much ...

Pieck:Guys the Ship!

Porco:2/10 sink Nah

Bert & Reiner:5/10 dont know really

Ymir and Historia:10/10 Ship :)

Mikasa:Ann can I have a kiss?

Annie:Dont get ahead of yourself

Pieck:4/10 sink Hey Ann ,Hanji is making burgers want some?

Annie:Sure, Luv

Mikasa:....*starts crying* W-why are -you calling h-her l-luv n-now Ann?!

Hanji:1/10 sink, Mikasa even though I hate you for taking Levi are you ok?

Admin:She is legit miserable without Annie she cant function as a human being or a Ackerman anymore!


Admin:Annie I swear!

Mikasa:T-that was o-one of t-the last words I said b-before we broke up *more tears start coming out*

Annie:Oh...My...God that was like 2 chapters ago let it go!

Mikasa:b-but I dont want to L-lose you...

Annie:Fine 1 kiss just stop crying its getting on my nerves


Annie:Yeah get over here

*Annie kisses Mikasa but when she tries to pull away Mikasa pulls her closer*

Admin:Dang she doesnt want this to end


*Annie finally pulls away*


Mikasa:*Sniffles* Thank you Ann

Annie:Can you end this chapter now?!

Admin:Bye guys


Mikasa:Help me win back Ann's love back please-

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