Part One

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The Anons and all the questions and stuff like that are gonna be included for the most part, but not as actual characters. Just a way to keep the story going. That's all.

Btw! Violetta is my own character. She's a cat, and met the Bros closer to the beginning of their journey and decided to tag along. They've been buds ever since. Her fur is white, which gets annoying for her because it's harder to wash out and she loves the outdoors. She goes on her own mini adventures and gets into more trouble she thinks is worth it, but she gets experience at least. And she might just be falling for a little demon on their trip...

HA SIKE she ain't falling for anyone. Spoiler alert, no romance. Just sweet platonic friendship. There's enough of that lovey dovey sh*t elsewhere, I don't need to add to that.


The Anon's questions are included in this sort of thing, the..behind the scenes, you could call it? It felt unnatural in the actual story. So! They will be in little side stories and such instead. Enjoy!

Bendy looks soooo hot when you do Bendy! And Boris looks like Goofy from mickey mouse clubhouse xD

Violetta raised a brow, when Boris' face suddenly molded to look more like Goofy. "Ah-hyuck!"


She and Bendy looked extremely taken back.


Later, Boris had somehow managed to get a tutu onto Bendy. Violetta watch amused, not sure how he'd pulled it off, but it was funny either way.

"Do you like the tutu I got ya?"

"Yeeaaaah I love iiit..." Bendy said, not wanting to hurt Boris' feelings. He was bright red.

Violetta snickered. "It's a nice look on ya, Bends."

He turned an even darker shade of crimson in embarrassment.

After all that flirting, Bendy can't get a girl.

Violetta huffed, glaring towards where she thought the voice came from, before hearing a thump behind her. She blinked in surprise before turning around to see Bendy on the floor, comedic tears running down his face. Boris leaned over his brother, a small smiled on his face. "Awww, it's okay, Bendy! You'll get your dream girl someday!"

Violetta chuckled slightly, "Yeah, sure, whatever he says. I'm staying out of that area."

Boop, how you doing? Bendy surviving his goopy thingy disease?

Boris and Violetta sat on either side of Bendy as he went through yet another attack, both trying to comfort him through this. Boris gently rubbed his back and Violetta continuesly wiped away the inky substance dripping from the demon.

He stared into the ink-filled bucket he'd been throwing up in, when in a sudden whirl of movement he latched his arms around his torso and stiffened for a split second, knocking the bucket over in the process. Then he curled in on himself again, eyes screwed shut. "I'M GONNA DIE! I WANT TO DIE!"

Boris looked like he wanted to cry. "N-no, be strong, please! You'll be okay!"

Tears sprang to Violetta's eyes as Bendy screamed again. She pulled the two brothers in for a hug. "You are not going to die, not today, you are going to be cussing fine!" She said firmly, shutting her own eyes when tears threatened to fall. "We're going to get through this and we aren't losing anyone!"

How's Bendy feeling guys? Is he okay?

Bendy's Ink Attack was finally stopping again, and he was leaning against Boris tiredly. Violetta was still helping clean the ink.

Boris held his brother close, tail wagging and smiling even as tears trailed down his face. "It's okay! It'll always be okay! I know he's strong enough!"

Violetta nodded, a relieved smile on her lips. "Mhm, we're gonna get that cure and this'll all be over, we just need to stay strong!"

"I'm not strong," Bendy said with a weak smile. "You're the reason I keep on fighting, guys!"

The trio were travelling again. Violetta had been up in front when she heard a familiar annoying voice. "Helloooooo mailman!"

She looked back to see Dot Warner clinging to Bendy's arm, literal hearts for eyes. Bendy seemed more uncomfortable than anything as he responded. "But, I'm not a mailman."

"Wanna be one?" Dot asked flirtingly, lightly dragged a finger under his chin.

Violetta glared, about to walk over when suddenly Yakko and Wakko Warner were standing on her shoulders. Yakko was staring somewhere into the distance as he brought his hands to his lips before swinging it outwards again. "Mmmmmuah! Good night everybody!"

Violetta shook the two off, staring at them in confusion. "Who in the seven levels of hell are you talking to?"

Does Bendy pick fights with taller people? Cause I can totally see him doing that XD

Violetta sent an icy glare at the man in front of them who was clearly taunting Bendy, mainly his height. "Oh yeah? Why don't you say that to my face?"

With a smug look on his face, Boris lifted Bendy up under the arms. The man gave them an unimpressed look. "Really?"

She huffed, walking up to him and kicking him in the shin, walking off again as he shrieked at her from behind.

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