Main Story: 3

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"Oh! Great! We sure use a lot of gadgets in our acts, and with someone like you on our team, we'll save lots of time!"

Violetta listened in, worried about what Boris would choose. At the circus, he'd be able to live happily and not worry about Ink Illness, or how much money they had, or even the next meal at times. But Bendy needed him. So did she. What would they do if he chose to stay?

"I'm s-so sorry, but I'm gonna have to decline!" Boris answered after a moment. Violetta went wide eyed, expecting him to choose to stay. "We.. my bro, Vi, and I have a quest to.. something." Violetta could hear the heartbreak in his words. He was saying no to the offer of a life time, and for her and Bendy!

She smiled. He was one amazing wolf, and friend. Suddenly, the door opened, startling Violetta as Bendy poked his head out. "Hey, where's Boris? We should grab our stuff and leave soon as you two are ready."

"Oh yeah, I just need my bags, they're by the bed." She told him, sliding past to grab it and sling it over her head and on her shoulder. Quickly checking everything was there, she then pulled her backpack on and grabbed Boris' things, walking back to Bendy. "We'll wait outside the room, that way we can get out sooner."

Bendy nodded. "Come on, Boris!" He shouted, adjusting his own stuff. Boris came out a second later, taking his bag from Violetta and the three left.

Violetta fell into place with the wolf. "Hey," she said in a hushed voice, "that was pretty neat, what you did back there. You chose us over your idol. Thank you." She gave him a smile and a half hug. He smiled back, tail wagging at her words.

Violetta glanced back again. "I sure hope that rabbit is okay," She said, raising her voice so Bendy could hear her too. "I think that was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Y'know, the old magician?"

Bendy folded his hands behind his head. "Man, I really miss him and his assistant in the circus." He said with a small sigh.

"You're just missing his assistant, dude." Boris deadpanned.

"Heh, yup, she was super hot!" Bendy replied, blushing slightly.

Violetta wasn't sure why, but she got an unpleasant feeling in her chest when he said that. She frowned, crossing her arms. "Bendy, that was Oswald's wife, I don't think it's a good idea to crush on her."

He looked away with a brow raised. "She was just my childhood crush, no biggie. Anyways, let's find a bathroom or something, my face still feels kinda sticky," he mumbled.

Violetta nodded slightly, looking to the side as they walked. They reached their hotel soon enough, and they all quickly got ready for bed. The next day was rather uneventful. They packed and left again, planning to head out for the next part they needed.

As they were walking, Violetta noticed a water fountain nearby. "One second, guys, I'm gonna go refill my water bottle!" She calls, running off. "I'll be back in a minute!"

She started to refill, humming softly to herself when a sudden warning went off in her head, telling her to duck. She didn't question, just listened, and as soon as she had crouched a blast hit the wall above her. She shrieked in alarm, falling over as whipping around to see a familiar cup person, the same bouncy brown hair and swirled purple straw. She looked at Violetta with a sharp grin, finger raised and a soft blue glow emitting from it.

"Miss me?"

"Not really, no!" Violetta squeaked, scrambled to the side as another shot went off, getting to her feet and bolting. Shot after shot went off, Violetta barely dodging as she ran. She turned a corner and slammed into someone, both of them falling to the ground right as another blue beam went flying over their heads.


She blinked in surprise, Bendy above her. "We need to run!" She said, standing and dragging him behind her.

He quickly fell into place next to her. "I know, that crazy red one was chasing me!"

"Cussing- the girl found me, where's Red?"

"I don't know, I might've lost him!"

Violetta turned again and her eyes widened. "Apparently not, duck!" She screamed, diving on him to get him out of the way of the next magic bullet, which just barely grazed in between his horns. Talk about crazy luck!

"Bendy! Violetta!" Boris cried, running towards them while being chased by the blue mug. He reached them just as they all got cornered in between the three cups. Bendy got infront of his brother defensively, and Violetta glared in front of them.

"Ha! We have you cornered!" Purple (what was her name again, Tas? Tazz?) shouted with a smirk.

Violetta sneered. "So what? Its happened before! We can get out of it once, we can get out of it again, you ugly mug!"

The cup girl growled lowly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless," she said with a sneer and aimed, shooting. Violetta's eyes widened and she shoved Bendy and Boris to the side to it wouldn't hit them, feeling it pierce into her side. She bit back a scream as she fell, and heard the beam hit something- or someone- else.

"No, Mugs!"

Footsteps bolted past them. Violetta looked up to see Purple sitting next to a bleeding Mugman. "Cuss, no, no, nonono! Tazza you idiot-" She mumbled to herself, trying to staunch the blood flow.

Cuphead fell to his knees besides them. He was gripping the rim of his head. Then he hurried over to kneel next to his injured brother and panicking sister. "M-Mugs?" He whispered. "H-hang in there, let me just take you to- hey, HEY, no! Open your eyes! Open them NOW!"

Violetta stared in horror when a sharp pain pierced through her again, and she looked down to see the circle of blood on her clothing already growing rather big. "Bendy, Boris, we need to go," she murmured, gritting her teeth.

Bendy looked to her. "Holy- Vi, what the cuss?!" He whisper shouted, helping her up and wrapping her arm around his neck. "Bro, we have to go, Violetta is injured."

Boris' eyes widened and he nodded, turning away from the scene behind them. But a crazed laughter caught them before they could fully turn away.

"Hehe.. haha.. HAHAHA! D-did I say your death was going to be quick and painless?" Cuphead whispered, standing as Tazza lifted their unconscious brother into her arms. "My bad! I meant we're going to ENJOY tearing you LIMB- from- LIMB!" He shouted, turning with a maniacle grin as his eyes flashed bright red. Tazza was silent but a sharp purple glow came from her own eyes.

"B-Boris, Bendy, we need to go now!" Violetta hissed. The two nodded quickly, and Bendy simply picked Violetta up bride style and bolted, Boris not that far behind.

Oh cuss, hopefully Mugman will be alright at least...

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