Main Story: 5

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Boris was the first to snap out of his shock. "'am? Is your brother okay?"

Bendy tried to pull the wolf back, looking very on edge. "Borisss! Noooo! We need to get out of here!" He hissed.

Violetta tried to incospicuosly grab a nearby cup and platter and inch to the side, until she was a fair distance away from the other two. "OI! STRAW FACE!" She shouted across the restaurant to grab Tazza's attention. Immediately, the cups finger glowed blue, aimed, and fired. Bendy and Boris screamed as Violetta lifted the platter, the bullet hitting her makeshift shield, and made her go flying into a table.

She groaned, but sat up and gave Bendy a look as Tazza started marching towards her. Bendy hesitated, before grabbing his brothers arm and running out of the restaurant as Tazza shot again, this time missing when the demon and wolf bolted past him.

Violetta ran up and broke the cup over her rim, dazing her, before bolting after the brothers as maniacal laughter chased her.

Finally, she turned an alley, only to find a dead end. Bendy and Boris were hidden in a small crack, she noticed, as she dived behind a dumpster and covered her mouth to try and keep quiet.

"There's no need to hide you GUUUYS!" Tazza sang deliriously. "I just wanna CUSSING KILL YA, that's all! And I'm gonna enjoy it..."

Violetta let out a small whimper at how close his voice was, holding her breath. Her voice dripped with malice, she had no doubt she would kill them, given the chance.

"I'LL FIND YOU! I ALWAYS DO! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER REST, NEVER!" Tazza shouted, laughing again, before it broke into sobs so quickly Violetta nearly stepped out of her hiding spot in confusion. ""

A large 'thump' was heard as she fell to the ground. "A-alright Mugs, Cup, let's split up. Cup, the l-left, a-and Mugs l-look over to th-the r-right.! My right you i..idiot!" Violetta struggled with staying where she was, worrying for the cups sanity despite what she'd tried to do numerous times. "YAAAY TEAM WORK! HAHAHA!"

Violetta grit her teeth as she teared up. Damnit, stupid empathy! She had to be careful about this no matter how sorry for the girl she felt! Finally she peeked around the edge, when it was quiet...

And screamed. Tazza sat on her knees, finger pointed at her head and glowing blue.

"WAIT!" She screamed at her, running to grab her hand and yank it away. Bendy was there in a flash too.

"WHAT the HECK do you think you're doing?! Are you MAD?!" The demon shouted, hands on the cups shoulders.

Tazza looked up at them, face stained with tears. "W-who am I kidding? I'm the o-one who killed him, I'm the one who needs to die!"

Violetta felt tears prick her own eyes and bit her lip, unsure what to say. Bendy spoke instead right then. "You know well that was an accident!" He told the cup, tone and expression much softer now.

"My fault out not..." Tazza basically whispered, "an accident or not...why would any of this matter? It's all over! It's either all of us or nothing..."

Violetta shook her head. "Then what about your other brother? Where's he right now? Are you just gonna leave him all alone?" She asked, a little harsher than she intended.

Tazza grit her teeth and shook her head with poorly concealed sobs. She fell forward into Violetta's chest. "I just wish I could've told him that I loved him one more time!" She sobbed

Violetta, unsure of what to do or say, slowly wrapped her arms around the cup and hugged her. She prayed that Mugman was not dead and this whole situation was just a misunderstanding on his injuries, but even she had to admit there was not a lot of hope.

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