Main Story: 6

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Violetta wasn't exactly sure what she expected to walk in on when they got back to the restaurant. Definitely a bit (or a lot) of damage, maybe the police honestly. She wasn't sure how long they'd been gone.


...she wasn't expecting that from Mickey.

The mouse turned around, looking rather determined, only to stop short as the three of them were right behind him.

Boris blinked down at the mouse and gave a small wave. "Hi, Mr Mickey." Bendy was looking at the ground kind of defeated, and Violetta gave a small nervous chuckle, feeling awkward.

Mickey quickly stood straight, cheeks flushed. "OH thank goodness you're safe! A-all of you of course! Hehe..."

Looking up, she saw Boris was also flushed, and glancing over Bendy was now glaring at Mickey. She grimaced slightly. "So, uh, we don't really have time to talk- but hi, glad everyone is okay, I think? I just need to grab my bag then we gotta go!" She quickly slipped away from the group, cringing to herself and hurrying to search for her bag.

She paused. Wait, did Mickey refer to Boris as his..? Oh jeeze, that's just going to piss off Bendy. Vi hummed in worry, glancing over her shoulder just in time to see the demon smacking Mickey's hand off of Boris' arm. 

Violetta softly sighed, bending over to see if her bag was under a table, when someone tapped her shoulder. She stood up quickly, hitting her head on the table. "Ow-." She winced, rubbing the spot and looking up to see the waiter from earlier holding her bag.

He smiled shakily. "H-hey, are you l-looking for this?"

Vi grinned, taking it. "Yes, thank you," She stopped to read his name tag. "Max. Uh, sorry about...earlier, are you okay?"

Max nodded. "I'm a little sh-shaken but it's fine, I'm m-more worried about the damage..." He glanced around and grimaced.

She followed his eyes and sucked in a harsh breath. "Ah, right- uh, do we need to pay for that?"

"No," He said, "you d-didn't really do it, and Mick said something about fixing it ourselves, so it's okay." He seemed to have grounded himself enough the stutter disappeared. "Are you guys okay? Whoever that was was after you."

"Oh yeah, yeah we're fine, we got it figure out."

"Should I ask what...?"

"No, you don't wanna know the story."


She looked back over at the brothers to see Bendy was gesturing her over. "We've gotta go now, thanks for finding my bag!" She paused, remembering something, and quickly pulled out a few bills and handing them to him. "Also! Here's for our meals earlier. And don't worry about the damage, I'm sure you guys will fix it just fine!" She reassured before walking away.

Max took them and smiled at her retreating back. "Thanks!"

With that, the group quickly left the area again. Violetta sent everyone still in the building an apologetic smile and wave before disappearing through the door.


Tazza suddenly jolted upright in alarm, looking around quickly. She blinked at the brightness, realizing everything was white or a really pale blue. Blinking in confusion, she looked down at her lap to see she was sitting in a bed and wearing a scratchy cotton top and pants. I in the hospital?

She felt confused, not remembering much, when the door opened and a bird in a nurse's outfit walked in. "Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

Tazza paused. "Um...fine?" She then remembered something. "W-wait, this is a hospital, right? Is my brother here?!" She asked urgently.

The nurse looked startled at the sudden question. "Oh, he's the other mug, right? With the blue or the red straw?"

"Blue, but is the other here too?" She felt worried.

"Oh yes, they're both here! The red one is waiting in the blue's room."

Tazza felt relieved beyond compare, immediately throwing her blankets back and standing, swaying only a moment before hurrying out the door. The nurse followed in a fret, when she bumped into a second nurse, a bunny this time.

The rabbit raised a cold eyebrow at her. "Where do you think you're going, get back to your room!" She grabbed Tazza's wrist and pulling her back.

Tazz snapped her arm back. "No, I'm fine! Where's my brother?!"

The rabbit scowled. "You have chips on your head still and bandages elsewhere! Back to bed immediately."

Tazza opened her mouth to yell again when a door down the hall opened and a familiar voice sounded. "Tazz, you're awake!"

She turned quickly to see Cuphead, who was showing emotion for once on his face. It was strange, to be honest, he usually looked very cold and calculated.

Completely ignoring the two nurses behind her, she hurried down to her brother. "Where is Mugs?" She demanded. "Is he okay?"

The taller nodded. "Yeah, he's fine, he's inside. Are you-" She cut him off and pushed past him to see Mugman sitting on the bed, looking like a mummy with all the bandages around his torso.

Tazz felt tears quickly well up in her eyes. She'd done that. She was the reason her little brother was laying in a bed in a hospital.

" Tazz?" Mugs voice cut through her thoughts. "What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Her breathing hitched and she quickly walked over and sat next to him on his bed, pulling him into a hug, heads clinking together, and quietly sobbing. After a confused moment he hugged her back, looking up to see Cuphead watching in concern. Cup just shook his head, not sure what to do.

Mugman waited a moment before pulling back and holding Tazza by her shoulders. "Tazza, are you alright? You're covered in band aids. What happened?"

She shook her head. "I...I don't remember." She lied. She did now, but she knew saying it here of all places would be a terrible idea. They couldn't afford being this behind any longer. "I'm fine, I'm so sorry Mugsie, I never wanted this." More tears slipped out and fell. "I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

Her little brother just smiled. "It's okay! I'm okay, and I'm here, see?" He took her hand and rested it on his heart so she could feel it beating. She smiled slightly. "I know it was an accident. I don't blame you. Neither does Cup, right Cuppy?" He grinned at the older brother.

Cup half smiled, pushing off the wall he'd been leaning on to come sit on the other side of Mugs' bed. "Nope, no blame. He's good, you're good, it's okay." He snickered, reaching over to ruffle her 'hair'. "You sure got some fluff goin' on up there."

Tazza giggled, wiping away her tears. Mugs also laughed, ruffling her 'hair' too. "Heh, fluffy!" He said, making her giggle louder.

She gently pushed their hands away with a small smile, and was pulled into another group hug, and after some shifting around the three were laying against each other in a cuddle pile.

Cuphead waited until Mugs was asleep before whispering, "Do you really not remember where you went? I couldn't follow you, Nurse Fanny made me stay for Mugs."

Tazza grimaced. "I'm surprised they could make you stay, you were really pissed..." She mumbled. 

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Um..." She sighed. "I shouldn't say here...I'll tell you at a hotel later or something."

Silence. Then he grunted. "Fine."

Ugh, I'm such an idiot.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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