Main Story: 2

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The next day, Violetta, Bendy, and Boris headed out to go to Mickey Mouse's Circus. Boris was clearly the most excited out of all of them. Violetta, being 15, was looking forward to it. Bendy seemed to be going simply because they wanted to.

They stood at the very front of the crowd during the parade. Boris' eyes were sparkling, as he held his fists up close to his face, bouncing and tail wagging. Bendy had a calm smile on his face, enjoying it. Violetta was grinning, watching with her hands in her pockets.

Once the show was over, Boris turned to the other two, using the biggest puppy dog eyes Violetta had ever seen. She chuckled nervously, trying to look away. "What is it, Boris?" She asked hesitantly.

"Can we go get an autograph from Mr Mickey?"

She blinked in surprise, as Bendy let out a small sigh of relief from beside her. "Sure, bro. Why not?" The demon said with a smile. The pure joy on Boris' face made Violetta's day. The group made their way towards the mouse's house.. Violetta thought it was a house at least, maybe they moved it with their parades. Or it's their permanent home and just travel in the tents. She wasn't actually sure about that.

They were soon able to find the mouse, in a plain tank top and sweat pants. He was just wiping his face with a towel. "Oh boy! That was quite the show, you guys!" He said to his crew, as the three approached him.

Boris was the one to catch his attention. "M-M-Mr Mickey?" He called. The mouse looked towards them in question.

"I-I've b-been... a-always a f-fan of y-you, ever s-since I w-w-was s-small.." Boris stuttered out slowly, blushing and holding out a small paper with the Mickey Mouse symbol on the front. "And I-I was wond-dering if.. if-f.."

His voice seemed to have died there, so Bendy helped him out by jerking a thumb to his brother. "He wants your autograph, dude." He told the mouse. Violetta smiled and nodded, gently taking Boris' paper to hand to Mickey.

Mickey smiled, walking over and taking the paper. "Sure thing, kid. What's your name?"

"B-B-B-B.. Boris!" The wolf pup stuttered out again.

"So, you three liked the show?" Mickey asked in some small talk.

Boris went starry-eyed. "Heck yeah we did!" He cried.

Violetta grinned. "It was awesome," she said.

Bendy shrugged with an easy going smile. "Eh, it was okay." He chipped in. Violetta snickered, gently elbowing him. "Oh please, you liked it. Admit it."

"Pfft, you wish," he whispered back at her.

Violetta turned back to the mouse. "Hey, Mick, you're really good at singing! Mind sharing what got you so into it?" She asked with a smile.

Mickey smiled, handing back the autographed paper and crossing his arms loosely, looking down. "Many things got me into singing. Ozzy, my brother, was the first and best reason ever. He used to come up with such cute songs, and sing 'em to me when we were kids!" He laughed softly. "He used to say I'm better, but I disagree."

The story made Violetta 'awe' softly inside, but she was startled when she noticed a tear going down Mickey's cheek. Boris reached out slightly, before taking his hand back. "M-Mr Mickey? Are you alright..?"

Mickey looked back up at them, smiling and wiping the tear away. "Nah, I'm okay, kid! Just missing some good ol' days." Violetta sighed softly in relief. She'd been worried.

A hand suddenly gripped her arm tightly, and she looked over to see Bendy had wrapped his free arm around his gut, face screwed up in pain. "B-Bendy?" She said in alarm, keeping her voice down. He started to fall to his knees, and she caught him quickly when he suddenly threw up a large black mass, ink starting to drip from his horns. He gave a scream, while clearly trying not to make a sound. "Bendy!" She cried.

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