Now or never

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                                                             Chapter Three - Now or never

Saturday 10 am Molly's mother pulled into the parking lot where Molly climbed out of the car grabbed her dance bag and started walking into the building with her mother following behind. they walked into reception where they greeted Gianna.

"Hi How can I help you?" Gianna said cheerfully.

"Molly Schoenfield, I'm here for my audition" Molly said politely quickly glancing at her mother who smiled at her daughter.

"Okay great, if you go through the double doors" Gianna pointed to the double doors just a head   "go into the changing rooms and warm up  and Abby will be with you shortly" Gianna smiled sweetly at Molly who said a polite thank you and headed through the double doors.

"Mrs Schoenfield if you take the stairs to your left there is a seating area where you can look into the studio and watch the audition if you would like" Pam nodded and thanked Gianna and climbed the stairs.

Mean while Molly opened the door to the dressing room hoping it would be empty but she was wrong there were 5 other girls stretching and applying make-up.

Molly looked round the small changing room spotting at seat in between 2 girls. molly smiled at the small blonde just next to her but she just got a blank look back.

"Boy I just love the bitchy dance world" Molly mumbled to herself.

the rather tall brunette eyed Molly just looked right through her as if she wasn't there "Okay then" Molly mumbled feeling rather uncomfortable and made a metal note to herself not to talk her not so friendly competition.

Molly took off her jacket and hung it up, took a seat and put on her rather well worn nude coloured split sole jazz shoes. Molly started stretching the top half of her body by doing back bends and circulating her arm muscles, neck and shoulders then moved on to her back and legs.

Molly limbered her leg against the wall and she took this moment to really look at the competition. she saw a rather tall and very slim blonde doing plie's she thought she remembered her at the audition but she wasn't sure because half the room were blondes and brunettes and a occasional red heads among them.

"Girls" Abby yelled making Molly snap out of her stretching and following the other girls into a line. the girls walked out into the studio and stood in a neat and rather straight line with Molly right on the end.

Mean while Pam took a seat on a large and rather comfortable sofa where 4 other mothers sat quietly checking their phones and eyeing each other.

Pam decided to just focus on Molly so she watched her enter the studio poised and elegant and stood at the end of the line with her head held high as she listened to Abby.

"So you are here because I think you may have what it takes to be part of the team and each one of you caught my attention at the auditions"

Molly shifted into a neat 5th position quickly glancing round at the girls then back at Abby.

"I will start with Plie's"

the girls stood in 1st position and started plie's as soon a the music started.

"Demi -Plie and stretch" Abby watched the girls closely.

"Grande-plie and so on , Turn out from the hip girls" Abby yelled

Molly stood focused at the mirror a head watching herself perform the plie's and her posture with her back up straight and making sure she turned out from the hips.

" watch your turn out" Abby said walking over to the tall blonde behind Molly, Abby physically pushed her feet against the girls until her feet were into a wide turn out and Abby was satisfied.

"Posture Girls" Abby called out.

"You, what's your name?" Abby asked Molly as she stood inches away from her watching Molly closely.

"Molly Schoenfield" Molly continued to perform the plie's.

"you train at Le Roux?" Molly nodded "Yes that's right" Abby nodded  and walked down the line looking at  the girls.

"watch your timing, listen to the music" Abby clapped out the rhythm.

the music ended with the girls on their demi- pointes in a perfect 5th with their barre arm slightly raised higher.

Molly held the perfect 5th position with good balance whilst a couple lost balance and 1 wobbled whilst the rest still held a tight 5th position on their demi-pointes.

"I will play a piece of lyrical or Jazz music and I want you to come up with your own choreography to the piece of music, we will start this end pointing to the small brunette who confidently stood waiting whilst the other girls moved to the side and watched.

first piece of music was a Jazz routine and the brunette girl began to perform fast dance steps to the music and then ended with a dramatic pirouette.

the next dance was a slow lyrical routine but the girl froze not sure what to do but she quickly recovered and started dancing but Abby had already lost interest.

finally with 4 dancers all ready done Molly waited until she heard the slow and soft music where she leaped and pirouetted with fluidity and grace around the dance studio and ended on the dance laying on the floor with her heart pounding and blood  and adrenaline pumping  trying to catch her breath back.

I hope there some people out there that will like this story and pretty please stick with this story because it will get better and more interesting just bare with me.


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