Chapter 2 | A cooking class

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The kid was actually just embarrassed that Riku gave him a pat on the head, in front of his friends! How frustrating, he told himself, but something did not feel right in his heart.

The next day
"I hate cooking..." Sora muttered under his breath. That sentence gave him an elbow right on the arm. It didn't hurt much, but he was still taken aback by the hit. Not even listening to Mr. Leon anymore, he turned his face towards the girl beside him and Kim huh pinched her cheek. She cursed under her breath, but quickly took it back after noticing the teacher glaring at her direction. It didn't took long before she glared at her friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She whispered, quite loudly, before hitting her friend on the back of the head. This time, the teacher noticed and gave them a warning. That didn't stopped them from talking.

"You hit me first!" He whispered, being more careful this time. Kairi looked at him, confused at this sudden accusation and turned around to the only possible suspect. Roxas scratched the back of his neck, obviously guilty from earlier. "Not cool." Sora sulked, still whispering. Kairi glared at the blonde and demanded answers.

"Well, Sora insulted the art of cooking. I had to. I mean, cooking yield focus, patience and some professionalism for the dish to bring taste. It's fun and it trains the brain. Most of all, lot of schools don't have these classes, so just be grateful to have them instead of more science classes." The twin explained in all seriousness, but maybe too loudly, because when he was done, applaud was heard across the room. The trio looked at the teacher and he simply clapped as well, although it was quickly shut down.

"If you like cooking so much, Roxas, go pick your fruit before anyone else. Sora, you go next." Mr. Leon told the two boys as he crossed his arms. He was to put them to task instead of hearing them bicker. Roxas went on to pick something from the table, oblivious to the teacher's real intention as Sora looked at the table with confusion.

"Wait, what are we doing again?" He asked to Kairi next to him. She groaned as soon as he asked.

"Fruit cupcakes. Everyone has to pick a different fruit from the table. You should really start paying attention." The girl brought her finger to her nose to display disappointment. He simply brushed off her last sentence with a giggle and an apology. The room was quiet as Roxas was choosing his fruit until Sora looked up and saw some girls whining. What was going on? His gaze fell on Roxas's hand which was holding a familiar weird yellow star, obviously angering the girls for some reason. Roxas, who noticed, decided to let it go and get some strawberries instead. Just about when Sora wanted to ask Kairi what was up with this fruit, he was called to the front. Maybe it was very special.

"Can I get the star thingy?" Sora asked to the teacher while standing up. The fact that lots of students wanted it made him curious about that fruit. Also because Kairi seemed to really want it as well and he wanted to piss her off. Great friendship huh? Since the teacher nodded in approval, the spiky hair walked up to the table and grabbed it, causing the girls to whine all over again. As the brunette went to a cooking station next to his brother, Leonhart hushed the girls and called up the next name. Sora inspected the star and honestly, he couldn't see why it was so popular. Must be very good, he thought.

"Do you have any idea of what you've done? You're dead, big brother!" Roxas whispered loudly to the boy next to him. He didn't left this precious food on the table for his brother to take! The other boy looked at him in confusion, obviously searching for some answers. "You're that clueless huh? This fruit right here is the famous paopu fruit. There is a legend that tells that when two people share it, their destinies become intertwined and they remain a part of each other's lifes no matter what. It's mostly seen as a romantic thing and it's very rare to find one. That's why everyone gasped when they saw the table." Roxas explained to him with a lifted finger.

"Woah..." Sora let out. It then came to him. He remembered finding a tree on an island, not too far from here actually, that had those fruits. That's where he recognized them. If he knew about that before, he would have taken some for himself. Maybe it was time to visit that island again. It was pretty nice or at least how he remembered it. As he was deep in thought, probably trying to remember the view of the island, Mr. Leon noticed and hurried him and his brother since they only had an hour. His loud tone did indeed wake up Sora and he quickly went on to do his cupcake.

Following the instructions left on each table, students made their own as they chatted and laughed, all except Sora. He had the idea of making the cupcake for Kairi and him to share. He was too sappy for his own good. Being all focused for the first time ever in a class, he tried his best and ended up making a decent batter. Half an hour left. It was time for him to bake it in the furnace, but as he quickly glanced at Kairi, he decided to taste the batter. It was probably wrong, but he felt like he needed to do a thing about his crush and I mean, it could be seen as an act of friendship too right? Sora did anyways, with a little bit of courage and hesitation. Pretty sweet, he liked it. He simply hoped that she would like it too. (When Sora says it's pretty sweet, maybe it might be too much for a normal human being)

He slowly slid the batter in the little paper cups or whatever they were called and set up the time as it was written on the instructions. He just knew he did a good job and now he had 20 minutes to spare. Might as well annoy Roxas and Kairi. Most students were also waiting for the cupcake to rise, so for once, the teacher allowed us to chit chat around the room as long as we spent the last ten minutes to clean up around. The classroom cheered as Sora stayed oblivious to that sentence.

After a while, the brunette slipped on the mittens and opened up the small oven to pick up the cupcake. The room quickly filled itself of a delicious sweet flavor. It was a smell not like the others, unique more than anything else. The cupcake quickly gained a lot of attention, even from Leon, who was much more surprised about how well it looked. The teacher only hoped that it tasted as good as it looked. The dessert was as yellow as the fruit itself and as shiny as possible. Even Sora was surprised, along with Kairi and Roxas. Maybe he could start a cooking career. Wait, no, he was getting ahead of himself.

One by one, cupcakes started to come out of their ovens, filling the room with a new scent each and everytime. It was getting overwhelming. Taking his star shaped cake, Sora finished up his decorations and finally let it down on the table, proudly done. He simply hoped for Kairi to like it.

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