Chapter 6 | A paopu tree

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He decided to get going and maybe ask his brother to replace him on the field instead. He did and he said no.

"C'mon Roxas! I really don't want to play with Riku right now!" Sora was starting to whine and that annoyed the blonde very quickly. You could almost see a thick mark on his forehead. Scary... Sora tried to ask his twin one more time but again, he got turned off. Roxas didn't really played sports unlike Sora so there was no way he was getting in that water sphere for his brother who's not on the brink of death. It honestly felt like the only good reason for him to take his place, but nope, today, he is heathy and energetic. Roxas tried to walk away again, but his twin grabbed his wrist and dragged the blonde towards the gym. Why did Sora had to to be stronger than him? He should've taken Sora's offer to go train at the gym. Now regretting his past decision, he slowly disappeared behind the doors of the gym.

"Sora, you're playing, end of the discussion. Now let go of your brother." The coach was done with Sora's occasional excuses and felt really bad for the boy who got dragged against his will. He could let his shoulders rest as the troublemaker pouted and finally let go of his brother's arm who let out a big sigh of relief. He shouted "Freedom!" over and over as if he was locked up since a very long time and finally ran out before his brother was to attack him or something. Talking of the brunette, he could be seen having a glaring contest with Riku as he made his way into the changing room, resulting him into bumping right into the wall since he wasn't looking. Now his face radiating red from the hit, he embarrassingly hid inside the room as the others laughed, including Riku.

After the game
Sora's knees fell on the floor, utterly defeated. Why did Riku managed to end up with Wakka and Tidus on his team, the two best blitzball players of the school?! No shit they won! Tidus, feeling a little bad, apologized the best he could knowing very well how he always play at full strength no matter what team he was playing. It wasn't his intention! He just really liked blitzball! It took a couple apologies before Sora finally forgives him and Wakka since he quickly got over it anyways. Tidus was glad since Sora really was too much of a great friend to lose him.

The match was done by now, so the three of them were allowed to go change back downstairs and as they passed by The Window Hall as every student called it, something caught the brunette's eye. Apart from the beautiful bright color of the ocean, Sora could see from an angle that very same hill with that odd tree that seemed very familiar to him. Where has he seen it before? He knew that he already saw it once before, in ethics class, but it  also stroke him as nostalgic. An island on a sunny day, he vaguely remembered. Squinting very hard at the tree, he ended up giving up. Maybe he could ask Roxas about it. He ought to know something. The tree did stand out thanks to its irregular form so the blonde might recognize it. Quickly enough, he joined his two friends who seemed to be waiting after him from at least a few feet away. Apparently, they called out to him more than once and Sora didn't answer back. They brushed it off as the brunette being the lunatic he usually is.

Instead of going straight to his dorm, the boy decided to go visit the library where his brother usually hangs out or studies, but surprisingly, he realized that he was no where to be seen as he arrived. Roxas wasn't there today, but at least he had a plan B in his mind. Sora decided to go get Kairi instead whom is also very intelligent by his standards. He knew that she had swimming practice today and her class was about to end soon, so he ended up walking towards the pool area and waited for his crush to come out. Luckily, it only took fifteen minutes until her face appeared from the other side of the door. She seemed very confused, seeing her best friend standing there and waiting for her after making no plans with him whatsoever. After Sora offered to walk her back to her dorm, he asked. "Hey Kairi, do you know anything about a weird curvy tree that has a body as pale as snow? I'd almost mistake it for a palm tree if the bottom wasn't as curvy." He imitated the shape of the tree with his hands out of memory. Not knowing where that question came from, Kairi took a few seconds before answering, but that didn't help as she apparently knew nothing about a curvy bottom palm tree. She wondered where Sora picked that from. "You know you can just check it up on the internet right? You don't have a computer for nothing do you?" The dejected boy was suddenly brought back to life. He didn't think about searching it up on the internet. Wow, he was stupid. Thanking Kairi, he sprinted back to his dorm, totally forgetting about the missing Roxas or even the poor Kairi. Scratching the back of her head, she simply watched Sora disappearing behind a wall. "Guess I'll walk alone then."

At the dorm
Expecting to find the trio hanging out in their room, he knocked once and knocked again to finally realize that no one was inside. Weird, they are usually playing video games in the room at this time. Having no choice, Sora had to empty the mess that resides in his backpack to find his keys. He knew he had to clean that bag one day, but not today. He was too focused on the weird tree to bother throwing out the useless papers that hung around in his backpack. After searching for a few minutes, he finally entered his dorm and threw himself on his chair, ready to begin his search. If only he was that motivated for his homework. Not being a big fan of computers, Sora tried his best to find how to google search as he only did it like, 4 times in his whole entire life. Roxas already explained it to him a few times but he keeps forgetting. When he did find it, the boy now had to find how he could find what he was looking for. He remembered Roxas telling him that Google doesn't always give you what you want because you have to be specific, so Sora tried his best to stick to a description that would perfectly explain what he saw. After a few attempts, he could feel steam coming out of his ears. He had no idea how to find it.

Then he remembered. Wasn't there a fruit on that tree? He couldn't make out a shape, but knew that it had a bright yellow colour. Maybe that would help. He typed in the search bar Yellow Fruits that grows on trees. Hoping to get some sort of results, he clicked and looked at the articles. Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas, that's all he could read. It was true that they grew on palm trees and were yellow, but the tree didn't look like that. Maybe that tree was indeed just a normal tree and it just grew weirdly. He was going to investigate!

The night was slowly coming as the trio that went missing finally made their way to their dorm, surprising Sora as he was trying to finish his stupid math homework that Mr. Axel gave him. "Ah! Welcome back! Where did you guys go anyways?" He asked to the trio that was in the process of taking their shoes off. Pence,who took them off first, let himself crumble on the couch while Hayner took a seat next to Sora. "We bumped into some guy after class and we hung out with him all day. He's very cool. You should come with us next time." The boy grinned as he mentioned their new friend. Sora could feel that they were already very close and he was excited to become friends with that guy. "You know he has other friends than us right? We'll probably never seen him again until we cross in the hallways." Olette joined into the conversation. She's the only girl who was allowed to share a dorm room with boys because they miscounted the rooms and Olette was left out without one, even after paying for a room. Usually, they'd give her back the money and force her to stay home instead of a dorm, but Olette was the one who shared to idea of sharing with boys instead. They finally let her after she asked for three months in a row, every single day at any moment she could. She's stubborn like that, but at least it gave her a room with her two best friends, plus Sora. Was this legal? Probably not, but the school couldn't care less anymore. They've had no incidents involving the matter and were desperate for money. Anyways, she took a seat next to the brunette as she took a bite out of her apple.

"Why would you say that 'Lette?" Hayner frowned at her, obviously oblivious to whatever he forgot to ask their new friend.

"We forgot to ask for his name or his contact dumbass. How are we supposed to reach him?" The realization finally hit him, eyes widening at how they were stupid. How could they forget about that? Hayner felt like slamming his face on the desk. Olette simply giggled as she could basically read his mind in this moment. She did feel kinda stupid herself. She was enjoying herself so much with the new boy and her best friends. It was nice to try out a new flavour of ice cream some times to times you know? Sora who stayed silent for a minute, then remembered what he wanted to ask them since his research gave him literally nothing. "Oh, Hayner, Olette! I wanted to ask you about a weird tree that looks like a palm tree and grows yellow fruits." He stood up from his chair. That caught the duo off guard before answering. "Bananas?" The other boy said the first thing that came into his mind. Olette was about to say the same thing so again, they couldn't help. Maybe it really was a banana and he was going crazy, but he was too curious to stop now.

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