Chapter 7 | A talk

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The cold wind of the night slid against his skin at any given moment, being only cold enough for Sora to feel refreshed as he quietly walked around campus. Also feeling incredibly nervous, the boy sneaked pass the high fence to land straight in the sand of the shore. It has been a long time ago since he sneaked out. He used to meet up with Kairi and Roxas on that very beach, but now that he was alone, he felt a bit more stressed. He was also adventuring a bit further than usual so that didn't help. Feeling his feet softly sinking into the sand, he looked up to the tree. He was to see it up close. Sora really wants to go up that small hill to check it out himself since all the other options failed. After walking around for a bit, he finally found the small hill that was covered in trees all around. It was almost... secretive. Ready to climb up and make his own path in this mess of this forest, he ended up noticing a small trail that was made from people walking on the same dirt over and over again. It was very subtle though. He wasn't the first one to find that place after all? Shrugging his shoulders, Sora didn't think more of it and ended up following that path until he reached a small opening a little bit deeper in the forest. There it was, the very same curved tree that he was looking for. He would've missed that place if he didn't paid as much attention to his surroundings as he did then.

Finding the tree, he let out a big sigh of relief and slowly moved closer as it was very dark outside. He didn't think of bringing his phone like an idiot. Maybe it would've saved him from tripping on a branch and falling face down on the ground. At least his forehead was as hard as rock. Groaning in pain, he somehow could still hear the footsteps of someone jogging towards him. There was someone out there at that time? Maybe it was a kidnapper! Oh god he was doomed! That's what he thought before hearing that person talk. "Sora?"

Wait... That voice sounded familiar. Feeling a little dizzy from his earlier fall, he finally looked up and saw the shadow of someone he knew too well. Of course it had to be Riku of all people. He looked extremely confused, but still reached out his hand to Sora to help him up, but Sora stood up by himself, being too stubborn to give in and show himself as weak. Well, that's how he interpreted it. Not really knowing what to say, they both stayed silent as they simply looked at each other for a few minutes until Riku offered the boy to sit on the tree with him. He knew how much of a pain it is to get here. After all, he walks that path most of the time. "So... you know this place?" Sora asked as they sat down, leaving a comfortable space between them. He didn't really know why he was trying to make a conversation with him, but it felt like a waste of time to come all the way here only to immediately go back to the dorms. At least they could use this moment to figure out a way to never bump into each other again. Optimism is good and Sora is proud to be optimistic.

"Well, I'm here aren't I?" Riku ended up answering after a small hesitation. He won't let Sora ruin this place for him. Thanks to that awful answer, silence weighted on them once again, but having the other next to them, they ended up hating it very quickly. Riku used to like the silence, but this was too awkward. "I came across this place a year ago and ever since I did, it has become a habit to come here." He stumbled a little on his words, but it was still a big move. Even Sora was caught off guard after that rough answer he gave him. Riku holding a nice conversation with him? Well that was new. I guess he couldn't blame him either since Sora himself usually was the one turning every single interaction into a competition. Maybe he could force himself too.

"So you've been sneaking out every night? What for?" He asked, looking down at the ocean. He started to realize how dangerous and dark the waters seemed to be at night, but the nice breeze and the light of the moon left a nice atmosphere around them. Sora almost forgot that he was sitting with Riku. It just felt too... How could he say it? Nice? Hearing Sora ask, the silver head took some time to think. Why did he? Even he doesn't know. His gaze focused on the bright moon that caste light on the two boys.

"I don't know. I just felt compelled by this place ever since I found it. It's so... quiet. Well, until you came here." Sora didn't really know if he was just imagining it, but if he was to trust his eyes in the dark, he could almost see a small mocking smirk on Riku's face. He was almost taken aback until he remembered what he said about him.

"Hey! No fair! I never thought I'd cross path with you here of all places." He softly elbowed the taller boy as if he was a friend. Okay, maybe he added a bit more strength than usual just to hear his rival groan in pain. He succeeded in doing so. As he rubbed the part of his arm that hurt, he let out a chuckle and continued the conversation. Maybe he was actually having fun. He didn't know that Sora could stop being annoying when he wanted to. Deep down, he didn't want to end this. It was nice. As for Sora, he wasn't ready to accept that he was having fun and that it felt different compared to when he's hanging out with his usual group of friends. At least he was ready to acknowledge that Riku wasn't always a stuck-up bitch. Well, that thought was short-lived soon after his mind went back to the day they first met. Riku was everything he wanted to be when he entered school. Riku was popular, Riku was pretty, Riku was smart, Riku this, Riku that. Even Kairi started talking about him most of the time, but the day he joined blitzball was the day Sora went feral. Coincidentally, that was the first day they ever spoke to each other. Blitzball was the only sport Sora and his friends were good at and now that he joined the team, it was Riku the blitzball hottie instead of Wakka, Tidus and Sora the blitzball trio. Got him on his nerves and hell got loose the second Riku decided to scoff at the smaller boy. Sora, remembering that irritating scoff suddenly made him mad, throwing all the calm out the window.

"Look at you, the small delinquent. What were you going to do here alone?" The silver head asked, not knowing the sudden change of mood that occurred in a few seconds. He looked towards Sora, realizing that he was about to leave. "Getting too late for you? I can walk you back to the dorms if you want-" He abruptly got cut off.

"I'm not a baby. I can walk back on my own, jerk." He said those words as if he was spitting poison. Riku got taken aback.

"Woah, did I say something wrong? I thought we were talking to each other now." He was going to get answers this time. Why did Sora hate him this much? He didn't even know what did he even do to this boy and now that he finally felt like he was getting through him, there he goes, acting up like that. Did he do something to him during his childhood? Did they even know each other before joining the blitzball team? Anyways, Riku was getting tired of this necessary banter and no way the brunette was ruining this place for him by causing a bad memory. Sora turned around in a dry move and crossed his arms.

"Well if you like talking to me that much, then how about telling me why did you scoff at me that one time?" Sora frowned at him, waiting for an immediate answer from the silver head. To him, it looked much more like pouting, but more importantly, he couldn't remember a single time where he scoffed at the boy. sure, he teased him and attacked back when Sora wanted to create problems, but scoffing? He was simply confused and stayed silent, trying to remember that moment Sora seemed to be so offended about. Maybe he took too long to think about it for Sora to start walking away. "If you're not even going to bother giving me an answer, forget it." He sounded so mad.

"Wait Sora. I just... Can you just jog my memory a bit and tell me when did that happen?" He asked and Sora let out a huge gasp. Oh oh, he looked offended.

Omg I didn't upload for a long time. I'm so sorry that I'm now leaving you with a cliffhanger, but hey, I tried to make the chapter longer this time. i hope you're all still reading because I'm still having a blast writing it.

Oh and Sora has Emotional Dysregulation Disorder in this fanfic. He basically expresses and feels emotions in an amplified manner. He gets sad from the smallest thing to the point of crying and gets extremely mad very easily. That goes for other emotions too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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