4. Away

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The stars were shining in the night-blue sky outside and the guests were starting to make their way home, one after the other. Or paired up in two in most cases.

Alvida had a wonderful evening. Despite the somewhat rocky start. She decided to delete that part from her memory. She only remembered gossiping with the girls about Hildrun's hideous, orange dress and Embla's clown-like make-up. It looked like she had stumbled into a well of rouge.

She had danced with the Prince until her feet hurt and she had matched Yrsa up with Count Bellest. She thought she was going to die when Yrsa dropped one of her shoes on her way to the Count with the opening line that Alvida had dictated. 

The great hall was nearly empty now. Just a few servants were running around starting to clean up.
All in all a successful party Alvida thought to herself, and now the Princess was ready to disappear into the land of dreams.

She said goodbye to her friends and gave her dad a hug - he had been dozing of in his chair for quite a while already.

She saved Karl for last. He kissed her hand and said: "Sleep tight darling". 

Alvida then was escorted back to her room in the left wing - it took about six minutes to get there - by two of the guards. The mood always felt a bit weird after everyone had left. The big castle felt so empty and quiet. All that was left was the beeping sound in her ears from the loud music. But it also felt kind of nice. Alvida knew she was going to sleep like a baby. And she could sleep for as long as she wanted to.

She yawned as she waved the guards goodbye and entered her suite. Finally she could untie the corset and take off the heavy dress and the uncomfortable shoes.

Alvida changed into her nightgown. It was a long and white, laced dress with a fitted top and a flowy bottom. The commoners probably could have worn it as a party dress.

Alvida took off her tiara, loosened the braid and combed trough her hair that was now soft and wavy. She sat down on the stool with the velvet seat in front of her dressing table and got out some napkins to remove her make-up with. Alvida studied her own reflection.

And froze when she discovered another set of eyes in the mirror. Someone was standing behind her. Alvida jumped off the chair and turned around. She backed several steps. 

It was Galder. His smug grin was completely gone. And he came towards her. Fast. Alvida heard a swishing sound as he pulled a knife from one of his metal sheaths.

Alvida couldn't think. And before she was able to do anything more sensible than keep backing herself into a corner, he was over her. He put one hand around her throat and jaw and pressed her up against the wall. With the other he held the knife against her neck.

Alvida felt the cold, sharp iron on her skin and started panicking. She breathed fast and heavy and felt tears welling up.

"Not a word," Galder said low. Alvida could tell he was being serious. He stared deep into her eyes - like he had done a ton of times before - but the playfulness that used to shine in them had now disappeared. His eyes were cold and hard and black.

"Please," Alvida whispered. She had lost her voice. " Don't hurt me."

"As long as you do exactly as I say, you wont get hurt. But by even the smallest attempt to call for help; this -" he pushed the knife even harder into her skin. It didn't need much more pressure to pierce right through. " - will cut deep into your arterie. No one will make it here in time. You will bleed to death. And I'll be long gone. Noe one will ever know what happened."

Alvida had never been close to feeling this kind of fear in her entire life. And even if she wanted to scream or put up a fight she wouldn't have been able to. She was completely paralyzed. She tried to nod as an answer as silent tears ran down her face.

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