11. Consolation

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A throbbing headache woke Alvida up. She still felt dizzy and had a hard time remembering what had happened in the last hours.

Suddenly Alvida became aware that the surface she was resting her head on was moving. Slowly up and down. She squinted. And saw a lot of black fabric. Lord!

Alvida punched the chest she had just been sleeping on and pushed herself away.

"What the hell?" Galder woke up.

"Why are you all over me like that?" Alvida glared at him.

"What?" Galder looked at her like she was the most unintelligent person on this earth. "Don't blame me for getting so drunk you can't even sit up straight, and then falling asleep on me."

"That's just so typical you. Taking advantage of drunk girls." Alvida knew she was being unreasonable but she she felt mortified and took it out on the only person available.

Galder laughed. "Taking advantage of," he mimicked. "I keep forgetting how inexperienced you are. You only leaned against me. No need to get all hot and bothered."

"Stop talking, you're hurting my head," Alvida said.

"That pain is your own doing. And I think you might be interested in what I have to say."

Alvida turned to Galder. "What?"

"While you were sleeping, we stopped by one of Hugin's other favourite taverns to get the latest news."

Alvida listened carefully. "And?"

"Several houses in Balmung town burned to the ground. But there were no casualties. And they never reached the castle. Your army returned and even got help from Fenja and Glitny troops. They were able to stop the intruders. Which turned out to be military forces lead by King Fenris. Getting you is obviously not enough to satisfy the needs of his broken ego."

Relief flushed over Alvida. But something else was coming up. "We need to stop. I think I'm going to be sick."

They did, and Alvida sat crouched down on the side of the road, trying to hold her hair out of the way while throwing up.

After she was done she felt a little better. Till she looked down herself. The dress was dirty, and ripped in several places. Her knees had bled through. As she walked back to the ride she suffered from mortifying flashbacks of her recent behaviour. She was never touching alcohol again.

"I need new clothes," Alvida said getting back in.

The rest of the way went by in silence. Galder sat in the front with the coachman. Alvida dozed off from time to time. Barely noticing a couple of stops where Hugin disappeared and came back with bags of things he had bought.

The destination this time was a bigger town called Andlang. Hugin had dropped Alvida and Galder off in front of a big dark-stoned house in what looked to be not the fanciest part of town. There were no shop's or squares. And no people. Just rows of skeevy looking houses. More than one looked completely dilapidated.

"Welcome to my humble home," Galder said.

"This is your home?"

"Well technically it's my father's. The few times I'm around, I stay at an apartment connected to his house."

Alvida followed Galder up the stairs on the side of the house that led to a small balcony and an entrance door.

"Do your father even know that we're here?"

"Yes. To some degree. I said I was staying couple of nights. But he doesn't know who you are, or what we are doing. He's used to some sketchy activity and women hanging around and doesn't care. As long as we don't bother him", Galder smirked.

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