12. The green eyed monster

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Alvida woke up the next morning with a heavy pressure in her chest. She carefully removed the arm around her waste. She got out of bed slowly with the blanket wrapped around her naked body. What had she done?

Her clothes laid wrinkled in three different places on the floor. Alvida picked them up and put them on. Galder was still sleeping peacefully. Alvida avoided looking at him.

She tiptoed out of the room and closed the door behind her. Then made herself a cup of tea and sat down at the kitchen table to drink it. She felt nauseous, and not because of the alcohol this time. 

It didn't take long before she heard the bedroom door opening again. Alvida closed her eyes and braced herself. Galder came in the kitchen and started making himself a cup of coffee. 

"Morning," he said cheerfully. He joined Alvida at the table. "I said, good morning."

Alvida looked down into the wooden surface. "It's not a good morning."

"What are you all depressed for?"

Alvida didn't say anything. Wasn't it obvious?

"Look at me," Galder said.

Alvida couldn't. Her eyes were glued to the table.

"Because of Karl?" he continued his questioning. Couldn't he just leave her alone.

"Don't worry ice, he's probably been around his fare share. I know how things work in the world of the royalties. The ones with the most power can do whatever they want... whomever they want. They way they switch and share partners - "

"You don't understand," Alvida yelled and got up from her chair. She finally met Galder's eyes. "We have sworn to honour our marriage by being absent till our big day. He hasn't been around, I haven't been around. My life is ruined!"

"You mean you two have never..."

"We haven't even kissed for God's sake", Alvida screamed.

"Well then, that confirms my suspicions. Karl's gay."

"This isn't funny Galder. I might as well just stay with Fenris now."

"Oh stop being so dramatic. Calm down," Galder too raised his voice. "No one will ever have to know, if it's that important to you."

Alvida shut up and listened.

"I won't say anything. We can just pretend it never happened. And go back to hating each other."

Alvida sat down again. "Good. Thank you," she said almost in a whisper.

"This will be the last day we spend together anyway," Galder said.


"I'm dropping you off tomorrow." Galder got up and left the room.

Tears started running down Alvida's face as soon as she was alone.

Alvida and Galder stayed out of each others way the rest of the day.

But when the day had turned into evening and Alvida spotted Galder putting his coat on and headed toward the front door, she couldn't keep her silence.

"Where are you going?"


"Out where? I'm coming with if you're leaving."

"You're so schizophrenic, you're driving me crazy," Galder gesticulated with his arms. "For thinking I'm a lowlife you sure want to spend a lot of time with me."

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