8. Locked

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"I'm truly sorry. I need to go do something. Will be back in a few days, -love Hugin," Galder read aloud from a wrinkled piece of paper the next morning. He crumpled it and threw it on the fire.

"Idiot. He probably just needed to stack up on booze."

Alvida shrugged her shoulders and continued eating. She couldn't care less if her delivery to King Fenris was delayed.

"well, have to make good use of this extra time. I'm going bow-shooting," Galder turned to Alvida. "You want to come with? Or you can stay here with Trym. It's up to you." 

Even though Alvida didn't think Trym would attempt anything like Arian, she still wasn't comfortable being left alone with a man. Besides, it would be so awkward. Considering she was in a way responsible for his friends death. Trym hadn't said a word since the night before.

"I'll come with you."

Alvida got up and walked up to Galder who came out from his cottage holding a bow and a container with arrow-bottoms sticking out. She adjusted the pin she had gotten to hold the top of her dress together, to make sure everything was covered.

"How are you feeling?" Galder asked without looking at her.

"I'm alright I guess. Just... drained." They walked down the path to the stream, a little longer away from the camp then when she bathed.

They came to an open area, that were cleared of trees, except four, that were in perfect shooting distance. Alvida laid down a blanket she had brought with, and sat on it.

She watched Galder shoot and hit his mark, again and again.

After a while it became boring. The blanket soaked up water and Alvida was getting cold.

"Quite impressing, I know," Galder grinned at her and made a perfect shot. "Bet Karl can't do this. Princes now a days. They just don't learn the important things. Too occupied with table manners- and conversations- and politics classes and God knows what. "

"Don't talk about my fiance. You know nothing about him."

"Watch this! See that cone up there. Seems impossible to hit right?" And of course he hit it. "It is. Just not for me."

Alvida couldn't help but laugh. "And you think I'm into myself?"

Galder nodded. "I do.Want to try ice?"

Alvida looked sceptical. Girls weren't supposed to do violent things, like shooting arrows. But on the other hand, they probably weren't meant to stab trolls either. And it did look more fun than to just sit there.

"Ok." Alvida got up and brushed some snow off her dress.

Galder showed her how to hold it, before handing her the bow and an arrow.

Alvida held the bow up and placed the arrow on the string and pulled it back. Then she let it go. And the arrow flew a whole meter before it landed pathetically in front of them.

Galder clapped. Alvida laughed. "Stop it. That was good for being the first time! Right?"

"No. Try again".

And she did. Not any big improvements. But after ten more times, the arrows were landing closer and closer to the closest tree. And on the fifteenth time she hit it.

"Yeees! I'm a natural."

"Well done. Hit the tree again."

Alvida drew the bow with a new found confidence. She released, and hit a rock ten meters to the right from the tree.

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