6. Mud and blood

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After Alvida had gotten control over her tears, they got replaced with fuming anger as she washed  the blood of her arms and dress with some snow as best she could. 

Her anger was mainly directed at Galder, who had put her in this position. She was cold, hungry and traumatized for life. And worst of all. She was filthy. No baths since forever. Her clothes drenched in wet snow, mud an blood.

How dared these people do this to her. She was their Princess. Their god damn ruler. Alvida'd had enough of this bullshit. 

She looked over at Galder. He was walking restlessly back and forth, probably figuring out what to do with the body. Alvida glanced at the troll's decapetated head, and were barley able to suppress the gag-reflex.

Alvida slowly moved closer to the outlining of the camp, keeping an eye on Galder who didn't pay her any attention.

She had reached the end. And Alvida ran. She picked up her dress an ran as fast as she ever had. She didn't even care what would happen to her next, she just needed to get away from this situation.

It didn't take long for Galder to react. He raced after Alvida. She could hear he wasn't far behind. And this stupid wet dress! It made it so hard for her to move.

Alvida screamed when Galder threw himself at her. She landed hard on the ground with him halfway on top of her. She tried to put up a fight, but he was simply too strong.

When Alvida stopped wiggling like a worm, Galder dragged her by her arm up into a standing position. His hold was so tight, she was sure she was going to get a bruise. 

Galder looked furious. His eyes were pitch black and his face muscles had tightened. He didn't say a word when he yanked Alvida back to the campsite, got his cuffs back out and locked her right hand to one of the bars outside the cage. He looked like he wanted to do the same to her as he had done to the troll.

But Alvida wasn't afraid of him anymore. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. She just despised him. An urge to spit at him occurred, but Alvida had to draw the line somewhere. She couldn't sink to his level and let him get the pleasure of turning her into a lowlife.

"Don't you think we've had enough action for one night," Galder shouted at Alvida.

"Don't you think you have put me trough enough danger and suffering," Alvida screamed, her voice cracked. It had taken all the energy she had left to run. And now she couldn't even sit down because the cuffs were attached so high up.

"Can I at least have some water," She asked.

Galder sighed and shook his head, but went to get some water. He came back a few seconds later and handed her a glass she received with her free hand.

Alvida had never appreciated how good water actually tasted. She gulped down, not caring about manners.

"Why are you so keen to run back home anyway?" Galder asked.

"Now who's asking stupid questions?" Alvida said.

"I can't imagine anything worse than to be cooped up in an old, dense castle, seeing the same faces and same places day in and day out."

"That is my home. With my loving father, my fun friends and caring staff. And my wonderful fiance. Of course I want to spend all my time there," Alvida said.

Galder laughed spiteful. "Wonderful fiance... that's the most awkward relationship I have ever seen. You could tell from across the room that it's an arranged marriage."

"You're crossing the line!" Alvida shouted. "Not that it's any of your business, we have a very loving relationship. He's a great man! And he treats me so well. We love each other."

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