Part 16

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Chapter 16

"But why not?!" Hiccup questioned as he, Astrid and the rest of the interns were once more in the conference room, reviewing their tasks. "She's most definitely lying. There is no way Johann came onto her!"

"And you know this for a fact, Mr. Haddock?" Viggo asked and lifted a sceptical brow.

"Yes....... I.... Uhm....... Well......." Hiccup mumbled, blushing and fiddling with his hands.

"Look, if this has anything to do with his alibi, then we can't use it," the Senior lawyer growled in exasperation. "You know Mr Trader's terms." He sat back and steepled his fingers, consciously calming his breathing. "So unless you can magically pop a witness out of thin air that can give our client reasonable doubt, then we have to be ready for the Trial tomorrow."

"A witness....... A witness........" Hiccup muttered.

"Hiccup what are you thinking?" Fishlegs asked with a frown. Even in their short friendship, he had learned to recognise Hiccup's 'thinking' face.

"That's it!" Hiccup suddenly shot up and directed his question at Viggo "We just have to prove Johann wasn't there right? It doesn't matter where he was after?"

There was a pregnant silence as every eye fell on the lean shape, his emerald eyes flashing and face lit with sudden fire. Astrid gave the slightest nod as her Boss thoughtfully rubbed his beard.

"Well......" Viggo considered. "It would be better than going in the deep end. Thor knows we need it. Johann refuses to take the stand."

"If you got anything then you need to file it into evidence before the Trial Hiccup," Astrid warned.

"Right... eh... Snotlout, can you help me out?" Hiccup asked.

"Me?!" Snotlout's brows shot up. "Uh... sure." Then his face filled with suspicion. "What do you actually want me to do?" Hiccup smiled.

"That smile of yours seems dangerous. Just what do you have in mind?" Snotlout gulped.

"You'll see." Hiccup said as he set off to work while leaving several people scratching their heads.

The day of the trial had Hiccup racing up the steps of the courthouse, his suit jacket flapping and hair wilder than usual. People were walking back and forth on the corridor, a human tide that was completely uninterested in the legal battles mere yards from them. Bursting through the doors into the elegant marble-floored building, he dashed along the corridor, then paused, turned round and dashed back and along the opposite corridor, screeching to a stop, out of breath, in front of the courtroom doors where the others were impatiently gathered.

"You're late." Viggo growled, checking his Rolex.

"Sorry... had.....file....." Hiccup was out of breath and just handed the paper over to Viggo. The older man took it and puriused it with a scrutinizing gaze.

"This is........" Viggo demanded sharply.

"Testimony from the guard at Johann's gated community," Hiccup responded. "Thirty minutes before Drago's time of death he heard Johann's helicopter take off from behind his mansion."

"It doesn't prove much," Heather argued. "Who's to say he didn't take the helicopter to Drago's company? That would be the obvious interpretation." But Hiccup shook his head.

"That particular building doesn't have a helipad." he replied. "It's in the Central No-Fly zone. The nearest one is a forty minute drive away."

"It would have been better if he had the pilot's testimony." Viggo told him. "But I know all of Johann's employees sign non-disclosure forms. At least this is something."

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