The Avengers Have a Little Chat

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Avengers' POV

Steve gets up with a groan. He can't remember the last time he got hit that hard by a blast. All he can do is roll off his shield and get up. What he doesn't expect is the destruction that was caused. He assumed that Skye was powerful but never st this magnitude. She said she didn't know how to control it. Skye was also protecting herself from a bullet that was flying towards her. If only he could get to her in time.

If anyone saw Steve you would've seen the defeat in his eyes. That man Gordon took her away, he appeared and evaporated within seconds. Commander Hill walks over to Steve and quietly whispers, "Cap we got to get you out of here. We don't need these Agents on our asses". Rogers tries to argue but she quickly follows up with, " We will talk about what happened with Skye and what we'll do next but we can't do that standing here". Steve nods and quietly follows Maria out of the zone of destruction. He's so amazed and shocked by how well Maria is keeping her cool with what happened before his eyes but what he doesn't know is that she is just as shocked and confused. Hill is just better at hiding it.

They meet back at the quinjet with Fury and Bruce already there. "W-what happened? Where's Skye," Bruce asks. Steve slumps down and answers, "Gordon. That man appeared from thin air and pulled her out of there and disappeared. She looked so afraid and I couldn't save her". Fury rolls his eyes, "Rogers she's not dead. She's missing and we'll find her. Hill get us outta here before these agents realized I'm still alive". Maria nods and does as she's ordered.

Once they land, they're welcomed by Tony and Natasha. "Hey, where've you guys been? I've been looking all over for you," Tony shouts. Nat rolls her eyes but stays silent.  "We were looking for Skye," Steve responds. Both Tony and Nat look for the other girl but don't see her.  "Uh, where is she Capsicle? She's not with you," Tony voices.  "Look there's a lot to talk about so gather up Barton and Thor," Fury dictates.

All the Avengers plus commander Hill and Fury are gathered around the table in front of the screen. Fury tells Tony to pull up the recording and footage of the Retreat. He plays the audio of the conversation between Skye and Gordon. This refuels the anger in Steve but no one speaks because they're all still invested in the conversation. "Hey is she talking about Simmons," Tony asks Fury when Skye references her scientist friend. Fury nods and tells him after the conversation between the two powered people to skip forward to the footage of what happened outside the Retreat.

They all stare at the screen in shock. Everyone except Steve was in shock. No one could believe Skye did that. She is so powerful. Thor was the first person to speak, "I wish Lady Skye had taken Lady Sif's offer to go to Asgard. It would've been safer for her there as well as everyone that was in her surroundings. Sif warned her that her powers would grow and that's without growth. Last I saw her, she was so scared that she caused all the windows on the base to explode. Glass shattered and the building rumbled. I feel sorry towards her because she was so afraid and now that fear has increased". The team looks at the Asgardian taking in his information. " Well since the building didn't crash down on you, how did she stop the vibrations of her powers," Bruce questions. That perked all their interests. How do you help a girl with powers even she doesn't know how to control? 

Thor clears his throat and answers, " Well there was an agent trying to help her, May, but she couldn't keep calm because she was terrified. The base was still shaking when Sif and I went after her. Lady Skye was worried about everyone around her, scared she was hurting people. She pulled a weapon and harmed herself. The shaking immediately stopped. I believe she used an ICER, it put her to sleep. From what I know of her, she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Skye harmed herself even though she knew that would mean she would be taken away, she wanted to keep everyone safe". Steve nods his head at that and responds, " I think that might be true. when agents when after her, she told me not to hurt them- that they're still agents. All she wanted was for us to clear the way for her. Skye said she was going to follow the order from her S.O.. She spoke to this May person too before everything went down in flames". Clinton and Natasha were shocked to hear their old friends name. " Are you sure she said May? Melinda May? You must be wrong May doesn't go into the field, especially after what happened in Bahrain. To say May even became an S.O. is insane," Romanoff says. Fury and Maria look at each other, only conversing with their eyes. "Well that is true, but May has returned to the Field and is Agent Skye's S.O.. Also, you know May doesn't like talking about Bahrain so if you are to meet her, never bring it up," Hill informs them. 

"Okay since Agent Skye has disappeared in thin air, Stark and Banner are on checking for chatter on the web, Romanoff and Barton check radios and anything SHIELD if she got away from them, Thor, check in the air and Rogers on the ground. Don't raise suspicion and avoid any agents from SHIELD you don't know- they went after Skye for a reason. Also to the outside world, I am dead. Let's stick with that story," Fury's voice booms. He's still very annoyed that Gordon, that strange powered man got to Skye before him and that he doesn't know what to do about him. With that, all the members went their own ways with things to do.

As everyone starts to do their jobs Bruce runs over to Steve who is now in a different change of clothing. " Hey, Steve, are you okay," he asks Rogers. Steve just shrugs, " I'm fine. Why?". Bruce shakes his head as he continues walking by his colleague, " Did you not hear Thor? That's how powerful Skye is and she just got her powers. And the magnitude of her power was crazy. I've never seen anything like it. You may be very strong but you're not indestructible. I'm just double-checking, you might need to get checked out just to be on the safe side". Cap looks at his friend and nods. 

While Dr. Banner is checking that everything is fine with Steve he whispers, " Is it me or did Skye remind you of someone?". Steve looks up to his curious friend whiles he's seated, " I mean yes, I guess you could say that. Did you hear her say Coulson? I mean it has to be a coincidence, doesn't it," Steve wonders. Bruce sits down next to him.   "Agent Coulson died. Yes, it was shocking to hear his name again but that name is not rare. I also think Skye reminded me of Tony. I don't know why but she gave me that vibe," Bruce offers.  Steve shakes his head, " I mean right off that bat I saw a resemblance but she's also so different from him. I don't know, you've told me before, our minds like to connect things to make sense. Maybe that's what happened with her. We probably made an assumption about her because we heard about her through Fitz-Simmons". Bruce nods at this and agrees. " Let's just wait until we get a better chance to meet Skye. We basically know nothing about her. If we get more information about her maybe we'll know why she reminded us of Tony".  As that was said, these two kept their opinions and theories to themselves.

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