2: Time To Elevate

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"Okay sorry bout that," my best friend Destinee came back into view on the video call we were currently on. "Tell me what's going on?"

 "Tell me what's going on?"

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(Destinee Siegel)

Destinee has been my best friend for the past ten years and we were inseperable up until two years ago when she up and moved to Georgia to better herself which I can admit she has in such a short time frame. Within the first year she found love and not only did she get married but she was now pregnant with twins and an owner of her own business.

Exhaling loudly I began to break down all that I'd hid from her for the past few months.

"Alright so basically I'm broke my nigga. I just got laid off a little over two weeks ago and I don't know what to do from here. I know working random jobs isn't ideal but I don't even know what I want to do with my life. I just wish that all the money I touched in the past, I could get my hands on right now. Like my dad gave me a check yesterday for five thousand but I don't want to have to depend on him forever you know? I need to figure shit out for myself."

"Ask yo daddy if he wanna send me money too bitch," Destinee joked before getting serious, "Im playin but on some real shit, accept the help that's being given to you. I know how you feel trust me but you gotta do what you gotta do for now. I agree you need to figure out a career that's gonna hold you over for the long run. I've always told you to own your own business, that way you won't have to worry about getting laid off or anything like that. You make your own rules. You build your clientele and the best thing ever, you set your own hours."

"There are short term programs you can enroll in that can help guide you in the right direction of whatever career you choose or you can just start from the ground up. I know shit harder for you cause of Aria but that should push you even harder to find something that'll work for you. I was once in your position remember? It took me moving to figure out that being an esthetician was the right choice for me. You just need to take some time and look online or something. Or shit just think of what you like to do most and go from there. You can make a career out of anything bitch."

Nodding my head, everything she was saying was making sense but I couldn't help but still feel a little bit lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do or even what I was good at doing.

"Why don't you come down here for a visit and we can figure it out together," Destinee suggested?

She's been trying to get me to visit for the longest but because of work I never could. Maybe now wouldn't be so bad to release some stress and figure out which steps I needed to take next.

"I'm down. Let me just make arrangements and I'll be out there soon."

"Girl you know it's plenty of space at this house so you can stay here. I'll have Ryder book your plane ticket. Pack yo shit bitch your plane will be leaving this weekend," Destinee exclaimed before hanging up in my face.

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