5: Movin On Up

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It was finally moving day and I couldn't have been more excited. It was a bitter sweet moment as I took one last look around my apartment. I was sad to leave the memories behind but I was so ready for what waited for me in Georgia.

I was able to get a deal on one of the properties we viewed that I just so happened to fall in love with and with Destinee having some construction workers in her family, my building was in the process of being renovated and made to look like what I have envisioned in my mind. I couldn't wait to see the final product but I had so many other things to take care of before I could get too excited.

"So you're really going," hearing my mother ask from behind me?

"So you're really going," hearing my mother ask from behind me?

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(Joyce Anderson)

Exhaling deeply, "Yes I am."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," I stated while hoping she would drop the conversation.

"Hmph. Well you're grown I can't tell you what you should and should not do but I just hope this works out for you. And when it doesn't, please don't come running back to us."

I said nothing as she made her exit. Feeling the tightness in my throat as I fought the urge to cry, I counted to ten and worked on controlling my breathing.

Growing up, I considered myself to be beyond close with my mom but the older I became, the more our relationship strained. If I didn't follow her every direction then it caused an argument. I had to learn the hard way that I couldn't live for anyone else but myself. Our parents could want what they considered the best for us but if our vision wasn't on the same wavelength then was it really the best for us?

I sucked up the sadness I felt and made my way out of my old apartment. I was onto something better now.

The next day:

"Oh nah yo mama something else," my favorite cousin stated while shaking her head after I ran down what happened between me and my mom.

"Oh nah yo mama something else," my favorite cousin stated while shaking her head after I ran down what happened between me and my mom

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(Serenity 'Nisha' Jones)

"When I tell you I was ready to spazz on her ass, Nisha, I really had to remember she was my mama."

"Nope fuck that. They always want us to respect our parents and shit but why respect someone who ain't respecting us? Why do we have to let them get away with saying slick shit? That toxicity is out. Anyone get beside themself, I'ma be doing the same right along with them. I'm not tolerating shit from anybody, I don't give a fuck how long you was in labor with me. You decided to pop that pussy and have me so that's on you," Nisha spoke vehemently.

"I ain't tryna make excuses for ya mama but she probably just seen the way Janea turned out and wants the best for you. She just going about it the wrong way I can tell you that much," Nisha added on, referring to one of my sisters.

Janea would have been twenty-eight this year but her life took a turn for the worse when she met her ex-boyfriend Noel. He was perfect at first, as they usually always are, until she didn't see a future with him anymore. Instead of swallowing the rejection and moving along, he stabbed her to death and was now serving life in prison.

"Definitely going about it the wrong way. Anyways though, when you coming to visit me," I asked wanting to change the subject?

The topic of my sister always hit hard no matter how much time had past. I just couldn't get over it and a part of me didn't really want to.

"Bitch you ain't even left yet. Talkin bout when I'mma visit," rolling her eyes, "I'll be there for your grand opening alright? I'm out here getting to this money, ain't no time for breaks."

Nisha worked at a oil refinery making good ass money. She tried to put me on multiple times but it was just something about her job that scared me and I could never follow through with applying.

"Fine I'll take that."

"Have you talked to Gunner lately," Nisha brought up cautiously?

"Have you talked to Gunner lately," Nisha brought up cautiously?

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(Gunner Duval)

My heart stopped like it always did anytime I heard his name. Gunner Duval, my first love and my first heartbreak all in one. What was supposed to be something so simple turned into something so much more and we just so happened to get into something way over our heads.

"Nah not lately. I know Aria speaks to him whenever she goes to his people house but he doesn't call my phone. He writes just for details on her but that's about it," I admitted wistfully.

"I can hear it in your voice."

I looked away as I seen the pity displayed on her face.

"Hear what," confused I asked?

"You miss him," she stated.

Shrugging, "I mean yeah but that's done and over with. Too much has happened and I don't think I could get over it. Plus from the looks of things he's moved on."

"Time heals all baby. Keep your head up."

Yeah, if only that was true.


Somethin slight. Enjoy.

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