8: Reflect

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"Mommy, I miss my daddy," Aria blurted while coloring on the sheet the breakfast restaurant we were currently in gave to her

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"Mommy, I miss my daddy," Aria blurted while coloring on the sheet the breakfast restaurant we were currently in gave to her. "Do you miss my daddy," she asked before I could even acknowledge her first sentence?

Not knowing how to respond I was stuck like a deer getting caught in the headlights.

"He talks about you y'know?"

Before I could entertain any of her statements our food was placed in front of us.

"Oooh yay! Look at the smiley face mommy," clapping excitedly, Aria rushed to move her crayons and paper out of the way.

"Would you like for me to cut your pancakes," I asked already knowing the answer?

"Please and thank you."

Once I was finished cutting her food up, I began to dig in mine all the while pondering the newfound information she voluntarily shared.

It was news to me that I even crossed Gunner's mind.  I was somewhat alarmed but couldn't even help to be flattered. He definitely was someone who crossed my mind often and I couldn't even front like I didn't miss him. It's been so long since I've heard his voice, seen his face, hell, just been in that mans presence.

Before I could get too lost in my thoughts, Aria interrupted and brought her list of what she had planned to do today to my attention.

Throughout all of the things I had on my plate I always tried to make sure that I spent an abundance amount of time with Aria and always gave her the necessary attention. I never wanted her to feel like she was being ignored or placed on the back burner because of everything else I had going on so I tried to keep our daily routine normal. Once we both woke up we'd handle our hygeine, enjoy breakfast together and go on with our plans for the day whether that included her riding around with me while I handled my tasks or her going to daycare so she could get to play with kids her age since I didn't really know anyone out here still.

"Mommy can we go now? I'm ready to go to the shop," Aria asked after wiping her face clean.

"Yes baby, let's go."

After placing a tip on the table we headed out to continue about our day.

Later that day:

"Alright now, you been holdin out for too long. You gonna tell me about the date or what," Destinee blurted out as she sat at the breakfast nook while I made dinner for the house?

It had been a few days since the date I had with Siah and just the thought of it had me smiling. He was such a gentleman and kept my attention the whole night. We went from dinner to an ice cream parlor where we talked more and when we realized just how late it was getting, we decided to call it a night.

"He seems so perfect Dee. I feel like there has to be a catch somewhere. He's so attentive, very caring and girl, he just so damn fine," biting my lip, I shook my head. "Maybe his dick is small. Or he probably can't last long," I threw out.

"Hmm, for someone who ain't tryna have sex or be in a relationship, you thinking too deep about this."

"A girl can wonder right?"

"By all means wonder all you want girl. It's only a matter of time before you givin that man some pussy."

"Damn bitch. You don't have any faith in me."

"I sure in the fuck don't," she laughed. "Is the food almost ready? I'm starving."

"Just about."

"So how do you like it out here so far? Are you satisfied or what?"

"I'm just ready for things to get moving along. I know I have to be patient but shit I'm ready to be on the road to success."

"I understand but like you just said you gotta be patient. All things worthwhile take time."

"Yeah I know," I sighed.

I craved success as if it was my next breath. I needed it so bad at this point. I had something to prove to myself and I wasn't going to stop working until I was satisfied with the outcome.

When I actually thought about my progress I realized that I had only been here for about two months and had accomplished so much. Shit, I accomplished more than I thought I would so I was definitely on the right path. I only hoped to continue on this path of great development.

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