3: Plot And Execute

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I'd only slept for two hours before waking up feeling refreshed. I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking of how I could be able to maintain the life that I wanted to live. I had to figure out what career would I be able to reap the most benefits from.

The way Destinee spoke about owning my own business made me want to actually do it but I had to just figure out what I could do happily for the rest of my life.

"Being a hairstylist is out of the question since I can't do hair to save my life. Being a make up artist seems a bit too complicated. An artist isn't even an option seeing as how I can barely even draw a stick figure," I spoke out loud.

Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. I could throw down in the kitchen though, I thought to myself. I could literally make anything that I put my mind to. Trying out new recipes was one of my favorite things to do.

Quickly hopping out of bed, I threw on the first items of clothing I could find and ran out of the guest house, across the yard and straight into Destinee's home instantly colliding with a hard body, knocking me onto my ass.

"Damn my bad shawty," a deep voice grumbled above her.

Looking up, up and a just a tad bit more, her eyes met blue ones placed into a face so handsome she felt butterflies erupt.

(Siah Rayne)

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(Siah Rayne)

"You- you're good," I stuttered, timidly reaching up to the hand he held out.

He pulled me up however my attention immediately went to Destinee once I heard her voice coming from my left.

"Oh great you've met Siah," Destinee stated as she waddled her way towards us.

"Not really," I attempted to correct her.


"She kind of just bumrushed me," the man now known to me as Siah threw out.

"Well I wasn't expecting you to be here," I bit out before turning to Destinee. "Are you busy?"

"No, come on."

Destinee turned and headed into the living room with me following behind her. Feeling eyes on me but forcing myself to keep my head forward, I strided into the living room and placed myself on an empty space on the couch.

"What's going on," she asked curiously?

"I know what I want to do," I exclaimed, unable to container the bubble of excitement I had over this revelation I was soon to share.

Destinee instantly perked up smiling, "Okay well what is it," motioning with her hands as if she wanted me to hurry up and tell her?

"Alright so I haven't thought it all the way through but I'm thinking of selling my food."

"Oh my God why didn't I think of that?! Yes," she said with conviction, "You'd make a killing for sure. Your cooking is bomb as fuck. Hold on let me get my iPad so we can brainstorm."

Before I could say anything else she rushed off and was back two minutes later.

"Alright so you can cater, you can sell plates out ya house, you can work at a restaurant, you can do a food truck or you can own your own restaurant. What do you see yourself doing?"

Thinking for a moment, "See I'm not sure. I know a food truck isn't something I can see myself doing and I'm honestly tired of working for someone else. What you said about being my own boss really stuck with me so at this point it's either catering or owning my own business."

"I think owning your own restaurant would be your best option honestly."

"I don't even know what type of food I would serve though."

"Bitch you're great at every plate you make. You never miss."

"Thank you but that ain't helping me girl."

"Alright alright hold up let me think."

We both sat in our spots on the couch thinking of which route should I go. Coming from a multicultural home I was taught how to make all kinds of food but my absolute favorites are bbq, soul food and west Indian plates. It was just too hard to choose which one I wanted to do.

"I can't decide," I groaned placing my head into the palm of my hands.

"Why just choose one type? Why not combine your favorite plates to make," Dedtinee suggested?

Raising my head slightly to look at her, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually."

Ideas started flowing through me and the moment of discouragement that I felt disappeared instantly.

"What about a name," she asked? "You don't want something that's too long but you definitely want something that'll pique someone's interest."

Silence enveloped us once more as we tried to throw names together in our minds as if we were trying to match up puzzle pieces.

"How about Jru's Cuisine," I suggested?

"Straight and to the point, I like it. Now where are you going to be located?"

Feeling stumped for maybe the third time in a row, I didn't know how to answer. As much as I loved California I was ready for something different. I was ready for a change. Hell, I need it realistically.

"How about this," Destinee began, "It's just a suggestion okay but why not just stay here? You and Aria can stay in the guest house rent free and once you're financially able you can move out. You only have to worry about putting groceries in the house and we also have a car that you can use. Aria can go to the daycare that Ryder's mom owns," Destinee was selling me.

"I'm down. I'll move."

"Dead ass?"

"Dead ass."

Jumping up from her seat, she squealed before attacking me with a hug.

"Reunited and it feels so good," she sang as we rocked back and forth.

I just prayed that I was making the right decision. I couldn't take any more losses this year. I needed as many wins as I could get and I was going to do whatever needed to be done to get there.

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