Chapter Two

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hottopic: i have the urge to do something stupid

Princey: Hello.

INeedSleep: Thank you for texting i need procrastination

Log-on: That is incorrect. But everyone here is too stupid for me to explain it.

Patt-on: :0

Log-on: Except you Patton.

Patt-on: :D

INeedSleep: i ship it

snek: I think they are dating???

heatherDUKE: They probably are and haven't told us.

Log-on: You all do know this isn't a private chat right?

INeedSleep: They even have matching names.

Patt-on: that was actually me, I can change anyone's names in here!

Log-on: Yes, and I haven't gotten around to changing mine.

Patt-on: D:

Log-on: Not that I was going to.

Patt-on: :D

Patt-on: Remy arent you supposed to be working on editing and stuff?

INeedSleep: Just cause I need to doesn't mean i'm going to.

snek: editing what?

Log-on: You all haven't searched Remy up yet? He's a fairly known youtuber.

Patt-on: and he's doing amazing!

INeedSleep: Logan i will fight you, why did you search me up???

Log-on: I've searched up everyone.

hottopic: yeah it's kinda his thing.

INeedSleep: okay wow.

Princey: Whats his youtube name? I want to go see what kind of videos he does.

INeedSleep: Logan no

hottopic: logan yes

Log-on: His youtube name is, AddictedToSleep, which is interesting because his name here says, INeedSleep.

INeedSleep: oh my gosh.

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