Chapter Eight

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INeedSleep: hi


snek: It's three am why are you awake?

INeedSleep: i could ask you the same question

snek: There is a thunderstorm so I'm staying with the animals at my work so they don't freak, now you answer.

INeedSleep: why did you guys accept me to like be here

snek: Cause you're cool.

INeedSleep: i'm not though i'm selfish and a hypocrite and a jerk

snek: Are you okay?

INeedSleep: yeah, you shouldn't be worrying about me when patton is in the hospital

snek: Remy?

INeedSleep: yeah?

snek: We do care about you.

Real life

Remy, who was wrapped in blankets with his phone light shining on him, read the message and even though he was already crying he started sobbing, not from sadness but from relief. He didn't even realize at that moment it was relief however.

AN: I swear this is a Remy x Deceit book it's getting there-

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