Chapter Five

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Patt-on: i'm sorry

Patt-on: i'm so so sorry


hottopic: patton? are you okay??


hottopic: patton???

hottopic: @everyone

Snek: What's up?

hottopic: something's wrong with patton

heatherDUKE: wait what, is he okay?

hottopic: if i knew i wouldn't of called all of you.

Princey: We need to inform Remy, he lives with him doesn't he?

hottopic: oh yeah, i'm stupid lol.

hottopic: @INeedSleep

hottopic: @INeedSleep

INeedSleep: Wth

hottopic: check on patton now or i'll come there myself and murder you.

INeedSleep: okay???


hottopic: what's happening???

hottopic: remy???

INeedSleep: It's a little hard to explain.

hottopic: so what? explain it.

INeedSleep: Uh well as long as i've known Patton he had a problem with sadness i guess it finally caught up to him.

hottopic: Is He Okay???

INeedSleep: We are at the hospital

Log-on: What has happened?

INeedSleep: well he.. uhhhh

INeedSleep: overdosed???

INeedSleep: The doctors are doing that weird charcoal thing, at least i think it's charcoal.

Log-on: Remy would you care to give me the address of the hospital?

INeedSleep: um, sure why?

Log-on: uh research

INeedSleep has shared their location!

Log-on: thank you.

INeedSleep: you're welcome???

AN: i'm sOrry it's so short. anywho the next chapter won't be in text format ;) byeeee

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